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I sat on the cab and left towards Xxx location which Taehyung sent me...

He already left there as he said before...

After Few hours I finally reached to my destination....

I get out from the cab an then left from there

I called him and after few seconds he picked it up...

Y/n: Hello!

Taehyung: Yeah honey! Did you reach to the location!..

Y/n: Yeah! But your friend was admitted to the hospital right!..

Taehyung: Yes it is!..

Y/n: But I didn't find hospital here!!

Taehyung: Don't worry!! I will came to pick you there...

Y/n: oh Ohkay!..

Taehyung: Go the hotel beside you!..

I turned to my right and saw a hotel..

Y/n: Huh? How did you know there there was a hotel beside me!..

Taehyung: Baby!! Ofcourse I know!! beacuse I came before you and Stayed there for a while!..

Y/n: ohh yeah!! Ohk!..

I said and cutted the call ....

With that I left towards the hotel....

Manager: Good evening ma'am!

Y/n: Good evening!!

Manager:Mr.Kim Taehyung told us everything! He already pay the bill the booked a room for you ma'am !..

Y/n: oh well that's great!.

Manager: Here is your key of you room!..

I take it and left towards my room...

I entered to my room throw all my stuffs aside and lie down on the bed...

Y/n: So he didn't remember!! Ughh!! Why!! It's so badd! We have Only 5 hours to celebrate our first Wedding anniversary and still we didn't arranged anything for us!..

I started crying and slept!..


The alarm on my phone started ringing and I woke up...

Y/n: Aishh!! It's 10:30pm There is only 1hr30min left for our anniversary!.

I put my phone aside and about to left towards washroom when

Suddenly Someone knocked at the door and said...

???: Y/n!! Open the door !! It's me Taehyung!..

Y/n: Yeah! Comingg!..

SOMETHING IS HIDDEN||KIM TAEHYUNG|| FANFICTION ?Where stories live. Discover now