Chapter 181 The Active Feeling

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"Master." Madeira asked unbearably, "Why can't you choose a safer method? Do you have to use yourself as bait?"

"This is the safest method. The organization will not be interested in other people. In the National Security Committee of the National Police Agency, only I am suitable as a bait."

Madeira said nothing.

Kurosawa Hideaki looked at Kazami Yuya and said, "The media will be left to you. The sooner the better."

"Ok, I see."

"Well. Where is Jingguang? Do you still want to stay here?"

"No, I have other things to do."

For example, go back to 303 to clean up the refrigerator filled with cheesecakes.

Kurosawa Hideaki looked away guiltily, pulled Madeira straight to the parking lot, and took a sigh of relief after getting in the car.

He habitually grasped the seat belt and gently pulled it down, and stopped as soon as he exerted force on his wrist. He slowly looked back at the base of the seat belt. A thin line passed through the keyhole of the seat belt and tied into a tight knot.

"Madeira, get out of the car."


"I'm not sure if there is one on your side, but there should be a bomb on my side." Kurosawa Hideaki pinched the square buckle of the seat belt.

Both releasing and continuing to pull may trigger the bomb, but if he keeps this action, he will not be able to confirm where the bomb is, nor can he dismantle it himself.

what to do?

"Call the Explosive Division and ask them to send bomb disposal personnel." Kurosawa Hideaki calmly told Madeira, "Get out of the car and stay away."

"I'm afraid it won't work," Madeira refused. "It's like a weight-triggered bomb."


Kurosawa Hideaki looked at Madeira, his eyes falling on the card he was holding.

The card made of coated paper is slightly reflective under the street lights outside, and the content on it cannot be seen clearly from this angle.

"Attention the vain and cunning Mr. Bright Lantern." Madera paused, squeezed the card tightly, and even wanted to throw the slanderous card out of the window.

He endured it before continuing to read: "We are a group of Knights of the Round Table. We will hold the biggest celebration in ten years this month. I would like to inform you that I hope that the fireworks lit with weights before the reunion will not become your farewell salute to the world. …See you next time.”

Madeira took a heavy breath and gritted her teeth, "Who is it!"

"Don't be angry." Kurosawa Hideaki held the detonating wire of the bomb to comfort him, "Show me the card."

Madeira leaned on the back of the driver's seat, tried to keep the center of gravity of her body stable, pinched a corner of the card, and stretched her arms to show it in front of Kurosawa Hideaki.

This is a small card printed on coated paper.

The quality is not good, it may be printed with a self-provided printer or a small printing shop with low configuration on the roadside.

The "we" in this passage appears too many times, more than the number of times the prisoner would use it in a normal group crime.

To emphasize this word so much, either there is actually only one "Knight of the Round Table".

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