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I was in the roof holding his guitar. "I wish i could tell you how much i love you, chay. But i don't think it's the right time." I was thinking while i heard some yelling downstairs. I run downstairs when suddenly i bumped into someone. Before i could see who he was , someone grabbed me from behind and made me unconscious.

When i wake up, i found myself in a dirty, darken room. I was claustrophobic. I was sweating, shaking i tried to get myself out but i was completely tied up with a chair. I tried to cut the rope but failed. I was screaming for help , breathing was getting tough for me when i hear someone open the door. I asked him for help. "P... please get me out. It's suffocating. P.. please help me " i was breathing heavily. "Please don't pull this nasty prank on me. Please get me out" i said suddenly someone punched me on the face and i fall on the ground with the chair. I couldn't think what was happening.

Even before i could say something, that man kicked in my abdomen. He was continuously kicking me . I was bleeding . I couldn't breathe. I felt like i was going to die.

That man stepped on my face and in a deep voice said "HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH WHAT IS MINE , HUH ? YOU THINK, YOU CAN HAVE HIM ? " he laughed. "Just because he was nice to you, you thought you've a chance ? Poor boy, you don't have any idea what a player he is. HE TOLD ME TO TELL YOU , THIS IS GOING TO BE YOUR PLACE FROM NOW ON. You seriously annoyed him a lot , didn't you ? Ohh God i never thought my would be husband PORCHAY will be such a psychopath " he laughed , " YOU DON'T HAVE ANY PLACE TO GO ANYMORE, KIM. YOU'RE GOING TO DIE " he said and laughed before leaving the room and leaving me there to die. "Porchay?"i was shocked and scared at the same time. Before i knew i passed out.

After few hours i wake up when i found myself bound in BDSM ROPE, completely naked Infront of few people. "Finally he is wake" " wooh , just look at his eyes. There are so fucking tempted." Some people said i tried to speak when i found something inside my mouth which wasn't letting me speak. "Hey guy , please don't make him suffer more. Enjoy your slut "

i was in unbelief when i found Apo Infront of me. "So apo is doing all of this to me, why ?" Suddenly i remembered the words i heard before i passed out.

"You seriously annoyed him a lot , didn't you ? Ohh God i never thought my would be husband PORCHAY will be such a psychopath " every word was coming in my mind.
"Whatever he said was a lie ? The love i saw in your eyes was a lie ? " i was thinking when suddenly i felt something cold inside my hole and then without any warning i felt someone thick dick trusted deep inside my hole. I screamed in pain , i tried to stop them but not even one word came out of my mouth "Fuck this slut guys. Fuck until you guys are completely done. " Apo said to them.

I didn't know who was raping me. But i could feel everyone's hand on me. I was crying. I tried to tell them stop but couldn't. That man came inside me and pulled his dick out and then again one man thrusted deep inside me. I was raped continuesly for hours until i fall unconscious. Blood and cum was all over the floor. I came multiple time but that wasn't i wanted.

I was still unconscious but i heard someone crying beside me, my eyes were blurry, he was saying something. I felt like he gave me some medicine. I felt something pressing in my entrance suddenly a pain shocked me , something thin was going inside me slowly. It wasn't like before. The person behind me was sobbing i could sense his presence but couldn't see him. something was  moving slowly inside my hole and i felt some burning sensation but it felt relive. I tried to hold his hand but before i could i fall completely unconscious.

i wake up next day  , i didn't see anyone in the room. The room was better than before. I tried to sit but the pain was making me hard to even move. "Why you did that porchay? I thought you loved me. Was all of this a drama ?" I was thinking when someone came inside. "So , how is my new pet ?" Apo asked me. I was disgusted to even look at him. But he grabbed my face "FUCKING LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M SPEAKING" he said. But suddenly he said controlling his anger ," Ufff , Calm down apo" he left my face  "listen I'm not here to fight, okay? I'm here to show you something" he smirked. I didn't say anything. I was shocked "Porchay got married with you?" I asked him. "of course. What do you think those pictures are for ? We love each other, so we'll get married, won't we ?" He said while laughing. " I don't believe it. He loves me. He can't do this to me " i said in disbelief. I felt like i was going crazy. "I knew you wouldn't believe. So there is something more that i want to show you. " he said and played a video " what's up Kim? Do you like your new home ?? I'm sure you did. A slut like you should belong there. What are you thinking huh ? For you information, i never liked you let alone love. Do you remember the word i said the first day we got to know each other in the meeting? WAIT FOR MY TURN . So now this is my turn. Enjoy your life Kim. And of course don't forget to wish me happy weeding" video ended. I couldn't believe what I heard. My head was spinning " why , why , why??? After all this thing? Why you did this to me chay ?" I fall on the floor. " Told you. Listen today is my wedding night so i don't want to waste my time on you. I will advise you to behave and accept what's going on other wise porchay won't be happy you know " apo left after saying that and some people came inside. I didn't have anything to do except accepting what was going to happen. But in mind i knew for sure "YOU'LL REGRET IT PORCHAY KITTISAWASD"

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