Will you give me a chance??

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(At first sorry... I got actually confused and did that mistake. Even though no one told me. But where i wanted to write porchay i wrote barcode. I'M AN IDIOT 🙏🥺)
Ton left the room and run after porchay to find him as he left suddenly . But porchay was fast. When ton came in the hall room, porchay was no where to found. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS BOY TODAY?", ton said in confusion.

I didn't know what was happening but i couldn't stand there any longer. This was the first time in years that THE WIK , my idol was right Infront of me. But the excitement that i had , was no where found anymore. I was horrified but why I didn't knew. Why i was feeling so anxious and emotional after seeing wik , i didn't know.

I was running so fast that i didn't sense that i was out of college. There was raining outside and i was running like a crazy. I stopped trying to control my heavy breath.

Suddenly i felt someone holding an umbrella on my head. I looked up to see when i saw wik right Infront of me holding the umbrella for me.

He was so close to me. I could feel his every breath, his every movement. A sad but scaring feeling was developing inside my heart.

I tried to back away but i tripped and was almost going to fall when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

The umbrella fall on the ground. We both were drenching in the rain. Our eyes were locked at each other. When i felt his soft hand slowly approaching my face and wiping away the tears.

"Why you're crying , love ?? ", he asked me slowly but in a sweet voice. His voice was heavy but sweet. I was so lost in him that I didn't even heard his question. Tears were mixing with rain drop.

"Let's go before you catch cold..", wik said grabbing him with him towards a shelter.

There was no one outside because of the heavy rain.

"Why I'm feeling so sad ? Why I'm feeling scared but also safe with him ?", i thought while looking at him.

He let go of my hand and searched for a towel or tissue paper. Soon he found some tissue and he got them.

"Let me wipe you off. ", wik said whipping his hair.

"Why you're doing this, wik ? You don't even know me. So why ?", I asked him.

There was silent for a long time before he answered.

"I don't know. All i know is that I can't see you crying. I can't see you like this," wik said again holding my face.

I was shocked and surprised by hearing that. "why ?? Why me ?? ", i asked again. But this time he didn't answer anything.

There was lighting outside and the rain was getting heavy. Even in the darkness i could fell him approaching me slowly. Before i could sense anything, my mind was lost in a deep but sweet kiss.

His sweet lips were on my lips kissing me like there is no end. Grabbing me by my neck and waist.

It felt like the kiss was filled with years of unspoken emotions, a kiss that spoke of love, longing, and the promise of something more.

Me who couldn't even let a person touch me was surrending myself to someone i didn't even know that much. The kiss was sweet but passionate.

Few minutes later i backed away, leavings wik a little surprised. I couldn't look at him. My eyes , my body , my heart couldn't take the feelings.

My body was shaking, i fall on the ground when wik came close to me to hold me.

"A...are you alright... I'm sorry... I'm sorry if u scared you ... I'm sorry... please say something...", wik said with a terrific voice.

I wanted to say something but my voice was shut. Not even a single word passed from my mouth.

Suddenly some vision snapped me.

"Who're you guys? Please leave me . Please don't do this .PLEASE." , a boy begging to someone. I covered my ears.. i was sweating. My whole body was cold.

Again i heard some word in my mind.

"P.. please ... , d. Don't do this. Leave me." , someone's howling. "WHO ARE YOU?? WHY I'VE TO HEAR THIS ??", i thought.

"Please... please chay. Don't scare me. Please. Say something. ", i heard wik saying.

The world was getting black. My mind was filled with some blurry vision and some spoken words that i don't know who said.

Wik grabbed me into his arm. My whole body was under his hug. He was hugging me tightly.

My breathing was uncontrollable. But the comfort i felt inside his hug was enough for me to feel relaxed. After a long time i finally controlled myself and the vision stopped coming.

I didn't know what that feeling was. Why I suddenly kissed him. Why i would even hug him when he was having a panic attack. I didn't know anything. But when i heard his name for the first time, a unwanted feeling happened to rise inside me.

Everything was so confusing to me. But all i knew was i can't hurt this person , neither now nor in the future. The feeling inside me was screaming at me to protect him at any cost.

Porchay was in my arms without even knowing i was hugging him tightly. My hands didn't wanted to let him go. My chest didn't want him to move his head from it.  My heart didn't want him to cry like this.

After a while he started breathing normally but i didn't wanted to let him go. But i had to as he tried to be free from the hug.

"A..are you alright.. now ?", I asked him slowly holding him to stand up. He didn't said anything but stared at me with his longing eyes.

"Porchay.. please don't just look at me. Say something. Should i take you to a doctor?", i said again. My heart was throbbing hard.

My hand was on his arms. Even after trying my best to fight with my heart and move those hands i couldn't. It was like my hands were stuck on there.

"How??", porchay asked finally. But i couldn't understand what did he mean.

"What?", I asked finally leaving him alone.

The rain outside stopped. But it was already dark outside. The tension in the room was building.

"How do you know me ?", he asked in a plain voice. "Someone shouted out your name when you left the show", i said trying to look away.

"Then..... Do you want to say something?", he asked. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I'm... ", he cut me in middle of my words. "if you want to say sorry.. then don't bother.", he said.

I was really going to say sorry. But his words shuts me off. I looked at the ground not wanting to face him

"If you don't want to say anything.. I'll pretend that nothing happened. But please don't tell anyone about today also.", he said before walking towards the door.

"I'm not WIK.", i said loudly. "My name is KIM..", i said. This was the first time when u told anyone my real name. Why i did that i don't know.

He was standing straight at the door without moving even a inch. I slowly came closer to him.

"I don't have anything to say about the kiss earlier. I don't know why i kissed you. But all i know is my heart told me to not leave you. My heart told me to stay with you. My hear....t told me not to make any mistake. ", i said. My eyes were warming up.

I hugged him from the back and whispered into his ears. "My heart told me to seek for your forgiveness."

I turned him towards me. And cared his face.
"I know what I did was wrong chay.. but trust me i don't want to hurt you. Will you forgave me , please? Will you give me a chance to be with you? Will you give me a chance to make everything right?", I asked him .

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