Lifetime Discovery

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Izumi was a nice child, and one any parent would ask for. She didn't complain, didn't make problems, and didn't make unreasonable demands. She helped around the house, and was most definitely a mothers child, constantly sticking to Inko's side regardless of how much Inko tried to get her to play with her father.

Izumi was every the family could've wanted, and to the the Midoriya's, it didn't matter if Izumi got a quirk or not. If she did, then it would be wonderful. If not, Hizashi said he had a way to prevent such a matter, so it shouldn't even be considered. When Inko asked how, he brushed it off. If she wanted to know what they would do just in case, he provided an in depth plan just so she'd calm down, and not worry.

Hizashi was a wonderful husband and father as Inko was a wonderful mother and wife. They each did as most parents did, doting on the baby, and going to their jobs to earn enough to make a living, so as to support the child they together had chosen to raise.

Izumi, Inko, and Hizashi were the family that would've stayed forever together. Their happiness was a shine in the neighborhood and building they lived in, and if someone living there didn't know Izumi, or was rude to her, the rest were quick to retaliate. She attracted people, and was more than happy to repay happiness with happiness.

As the day of the quirk examination drew near, Izumi was bounding around the house with seemingly infinite energy, nearly vibrating at the thought of getting a quirk. Her mouth was going a mile a minute going through the hundreds of thousands if not millions of possibilities she could get as a quirk. Ideas bounced off the walls as her eyes shone in wonderous light.

"Maybe I could get a fire quirk! Maybe fire breath like dad! Maybe I can get telekinesis? I can could attract things from a distance! Maybe I get pyrokinesis! Mayb-"

Cupping his hand over Izumi's mouth, Hizashi's happy, yet exasperated face showed tired happiness. He'd been listening to her ramble on for hours on end about the quirks she could get, and after hearing the words fire, telekinesis, and pyrokinesis for an hour straight, he was starting to lose his mind. 

Deciding to take her mind off of that, he pointed at the dish Inko had made in celebration, which was Katsudon. Running off, Hizashi thanked the goddess (Inko) for her timely cooking and plating so they would be able to leave, and find out their daughters quirk.

"C'mon kiddo. Time to go."

Handing Izumi a bottle, she glanced over to him for a single second, gobbled up the rest of the Katsudon at record pace, before bounding her way to the car, zooming down the stairs so she could get to the car that much faster, so she could find out her quirk that much sooner.

A panting Hizashi, who had chased her down, arrived soon after, and with a happy sigh, got into the car to drive to the place where he'd learn of her quirk. Izumi bounded in the backseat as well, barely being contained by her seatbelt as she kept looking through every window, trying to see the hospital in which she would get her quirk revealed.

Her excitement was palpable, but her seemingly bottomless energy eventually bottomed out, and with the assistance of Hizashi, she fell fast asleep. Her dreams were filled with quirks, possibilities, hero gear and suits she could have, and all the things hero she could think of. Facing against villains, protecting people, and saving smiles, all with her dreamed of fire quirk.

"Sleep tight princess. We'll arrive soon."

Waking up, her eyes slowly wandered around the room she was in. It certainly wasn't the bright white hospital room, since she'd been there enough to know that hospital rooms weren't pitch-dark during the day, or even afternoon. They also weren't humid, nor have the sound of dripping water echoing around her. Her mind briefly thought that it could've been night time, and she passed out for the whole day and maybe a faucet was left running, and panicked for a few seconds, before raising, or rather attempting to raise her arm.

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