Living Fine

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Walking along the beaches of Brazil, All Saints Bay if she remembered correctly, her bare feel sank into the sand as she wandered along the sandy banks. The waves slowly crested upon the beach before crashing down, going forward before retreating again. The waves repeated this process as Izumi sucked in the salty ocean scent.

Her mind drifted to the things that had happened while she was in Cthulhu's domain. The story of the crew member she saved stuck in her mind. As she sat down on a towel she brought, her mind drifted as a small wind rustled her clothes.

After Izumi and Inko got out of the water, the trip back was full of celebration since they finally found the last missing people, and praise for Izumi saving one more person despite the looming threat. Landing on the beach, a small crowd of worried crew and the adults Izumi scammed waited. Once the boat landed, and she came out, Inko by her side, smiles and laughter replaced nervous faces and fear.

"Man I tell you. This girl really saved me!" Seeing the crew member she saved singing praises, the other crew fondly rolled their eyes, but the adults she beat in eating were more than accepting of that fact. "I tell you. She slammed her body against the door, and it broke! I couldn't break it, and thought it was over, but she did it!"

Leaving that conversation before she got noticed, Izumi joined back with Inko, who was just done checking into the small hotel that the cruise had booked out. "Mom, I'm going to go visit the beach!" Hoping to leave before Inko got to her, Izumi turned on her heel to leave. Inko however, was faster. "Not yet. We need to get our luggage up to the room!" Izumi, looking at the 3 suitcases, sighed before grabbing 2.

However, a small surprise awaited her, which was that the hotel, did not have an elevator. And the rooms Izumi and Inko were bound to, were on the 4th floor. As such, Izumi quickly absorbed Cerberus's fang, before using her now stronger body to lift all 3 suitcases, an Inko who was in the mood to be lazy, and herself up the stairs. Inko did in fact give her some candy for her trouble, but Izumi was more ready to go out and have fun.

Listening to the stories as she got around the beach, she finally asked a crew how the trip back went, after she went under. The crew, smiled before answering. "Well, after the giant wave came, a few boats went under, yours included. We managed to save a bunch off the bat by waiting for the wave to pass then picking up the people, but some got swept away from the shore, and some towards the shore." Sighing a bit, the crew gestured to a few heroes who were wandering the beach. "From there, that local group of heroes arrived, and began helping in rescue. Being a beach and all, most had water-manipulation of some kind, so saving the ones who were swept out weren't much of an issue. Riptides here are common apparently."

Watching Izumi getting jumpy to ask them about their quirks, the crew member finished quickly. "In all, we got everyone. Some boats arrived damaged, but everything turned out well. You two were the last, and when we finally got you, everyone was accounted for."

As soon as the crew member finished, he sighed happily as Izumi ran off to the heroes. "At least she's still the energetic bush after all that." Izumi had grown on most of the crew, especially after her feats of eating, and even more so after her protecting one of their coworkers. Safe to say, Izumi now had a whole cruise ships crew wrapped around her innocent pinky. Not like she'd use that for everything.

Sighing as she waved off the memories of asking the local heroes a thousand questions, Izumi continued to watch the waves recede again from the coastline. The feeling of entering a new domain was still scary, but after speaking Hades, Mesilva, and now Cthulhu, all of whom are primordial gods, Izumi thinks her fear of speaking to new beings is shrinking. Especially after Hades worried his head off, and nearly put her in a cage to protect her. Something Mesilva did not take kindly to.

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