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"My my what do we have here?"

Looking at the form of the passed out form of Izumi whom had just stumbled into her domain, the being that owned the forest simply sighed as the little girl bundled up in the thick grass, and in doing so, looked like a small bush in the fallen foliage that soon covered her body.

"I wish I had something better to give you."

Sitting down on a nearby log, the being watched as the girl shifted in her sleep, covered with the many leaves the being had laid down as a pseudo blanket, as to let the girl rest. The being had been alive since the most basic tribes after all, so waiting a few hours was nearly nothing. In the meantime, she inspected the ankles and wrists of the girl. They were bruised and torn, full of ugly purple bruising and lacerations from friction. The being didn't wish Izumi to have such scars, so she tried her best at treatment.

Izumi, in her deep sleep, dreamed endlessly about flowers, fields, and ripe fruit that she picked and ate. Her dreams were filled with comfort and grace, something the being induced so she wouldn't wake up while her cuffed areas healed. Her back as well had scars from the stone Izumi had been chained to, but with some more salve, the healing would pass fine.

Picking up Izumi, the being wandered over to the wooden cabin she called home, and placed Izumi upon the bed. It was simply a wooden frame topped with woven grass and leaves, but it was better than sleeping on the forest floor. On it, Izumi would heal faster too, and the scars would become nearly non-existent, and the ones that remain will fade quickly.

Watching Izumi, the being smiled as she sat down next to her. Brushing the hair out of Izumi's eyes, the being smiled as the green bushy hair reminded her of her own daughter. She had disappeared eons ago after an accident, but such a thing hadn't happened a second time, so the being didn't worry. After all, what could even enter her domain without permission other than another being of the same stature? In any case, the being was happy to wait for Izumi to open her eyes, and to tell her story.

A few hours passed, and soon Izumi opened her eyes blearily. The first thing she saw was the wooden roof of the cabin, which put her on guard. It hadn't been even 24 hours beyond the first time she had been placed in a room she didn't understand, before getting traumatized, so being in a new place scared her.

Feeling like chains were suffocating her, she stayed absolutely still, not wanting to attract any attention that she was awake, and hoping against hope that someone would appear to save her. She held her breath, stayed completely still, closed her eyes, and hoped that no one would notice she'd be awake.

The being however, had known since she had woken up, and was watching in slight amusement, before deciding to get her up. Staying in bed, although comfortable and would help with healing, wasn't healthy.

"Dear, you need to get up. You can't stay there forever."

Izumi, having expected Hizashi to somehow be there again, and to have trapped her again, was alarmed at the voice she didn't recognize. Pinpointing the source, her eyes shot to the figure which was sitting on the side, watching her with a peaceful smile, and gentle eyes.

Izumi's eyes traced the being's body, and took in every last detail. The long flowing green hair, the gentle viridian iris's that seemed to faintly dance in amusement, the long pointed ears, the well endowed chest under the layers of a flowing green dress with hints of blue, the mushrooms that seemed to grow within her hair as well as from the dress, the deer antlers that grew from her head which had vines intertwining them, and her gentle smile which seemed to be from eons of peaceful existence.

"I should introduce myself should I?"

Staring at Izumi, the being scratched her cheek, a little embarrassed from forgetting the courtesy between beings, and having done so much without asking. Izumi nodded her head, now having sat up to listen to the words of the being. She wanted to know where she was, and how to get home.

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