Chapter 2: The Camp.

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(At a white fang camp)

We see a grunt entering a tent, of which Adam Taurus was in as he then turned around and saw the grunt

Adam: what is it?

He asked sternly

WF Grunt: someone just entered the camp.

Adam: (sigh) is it that red dressed woman again?

He asked frustratingly

WF Grunt: uh, no, it's someone named Jaune Arc.

As he said that name, Adam grew widened eyes of suprise

Adam: Jaune?

He asked in suprise as he and the grunt walked out of the tent and see Jaune, who is surrounded by some faunas and are yelling at him about being a human, but jaune ignored their insults and then noticed Adam walking towards him

Jaune: Adam, it's good to see you again.

He said as the faunas turned and see Adam behind them

Adam: likewise, but it's good to see you again. After i heard what happened to you at Beacon, i grew furious that the students, even your old teammates, would turn against you over a piece of paper.

he said as he was hiding his anger, even when he found out about Jaune's Transcripts being revealed to everyone

Faunas 1: wait, you know this human?

Adam: yes i do, but he's not technically a full-blooded human.

he said as the faunas around Jaune stare at him in confusion

Faunas 2 (female): what are you talking about, Adam?

she asked as Adam looked at jaune and gestured ''tell them'' with his hands

Jaune: (sigh) OK, FINE!!!! i'm a half faunas hybrid.

he admitted, making the faunas widen their eyes like anime dinner plates

everyone (except Jaune & Adam): WHAT!!!???

they screamed in shock

Jaune: it's true, and if you want proof-

he then took his belt off and we see something move around in jaune's butt area and, to everyone's suprise, is a Lion's tail....proof that Jaune's telling the truth about what he is

Jaune: that's right everyone, my mom is a lion faunas while my dad is a human....or if i could call them my mom & dad anymore since they disowned me for the dumbest reason ever and that was over for some fake transcripts.

he said as the faunas looked at adam, who had a look of sympathy

Adam: it's true, in case you didn't hear about what happened to Jaune, his secret of him using fake transcript to go to Beacon Academy were revealed thanks to a racist known as Cardin Winchester. Since then, all of the students, even ones he considered friends, betrayed & abandoned him over his secret....well, except one huntsman team named ''Team CFVY'' since they stayed by his side for defending one of us in that academy.

he explained as Jaune nodded

Jaune: yep, and when my ''parents'' found out, they didn't even let me explain on why i faked my way into Beacon and, without a second thought, they disowned me.....but all of my sisters stayed by my side and they still see me as their own brother, despite me being disowned.

he said as the faunas began to feel angry for what jaune's tormentors & former parents did, but they were also happy that there were others who stayed by his side, then jaune continued to speak

Jaune: After i was betrayed by almost everyone around me, i began to want to have nothing but bloody vengeance on, not my tormentors, but everyone who made this planet a living hell to people like me, all of you, even other Half Faunas hybrids who feel the same pain as full-blooded faunas do, which is why i'm here to help you all get what we want.

he said as he formed an evil smile, then one faunas, who has Fox ears, spoke up

Fox Faunas (male): uh, hello, over here. not to be a downer, but how are you supposed to help us? you don't have any weapons with you by the looks of it.

Jaune: 1: that's because my old parents took my weapon from me and 2: i prepared for it......HK-47, You can turn off your cloaking device now.

he said as HK-47 revealed himself, startling the faunas, even Adam as he grew suspicious on this unknown droid

Jaune: everyone, this is HK-47, an old assassin droid i found in an old spaceship that was in a cave i was hiding in.

HK-47: introduction: Greetings, Faunas, i am HK-47. Master Jaune told me that your leader of this branch of the White Fang had some meatbags he wanted me to kill, which i will gladly terminate if my master gives me the order.

it said as it pulled out it's Blaster Rifle and rested the rifle on it's shoulder, then Adam walked towards HK-47, looked at the droid and then at Jaune

Adam: this droid belongs to you, friend?

he asked as Jaune nodded

Jaune: yep, just tell me who i want HK-47 to kill and he'll do it.

he said as Adam smirked and then gestured the Half faunas & Assassin droid to come with him so he can give Jaune the targets that he'll want HK-47 to murder

HK-47: Jaune Arc's assassin. (a RWBY & SW: KOTOR story)Where stories live. Discover now