Chapter 19: What was first a dream has become a frightening reality.

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With two Arcadian Empire Scouts, they are patrolling the snowy tundra's for any human survivors that must've escaped Atlas' fall until the captain signaled his scouts to stop driving their speeder bikes after his faunas ears picked up something in the distance

Scout 1: what is it, captain?

Scout Captain didn't say anything because the team then saw Thrawn's star destroyer, The Chimera, crashing into the mountains close to the Star Forge, making the scouts widen their eyes in surprise

Scout 2: okay, that was.... Something.

Scout 3: but... what kind of Dreadnought was that?

Then the captain turned around and faced at his scouts as he removed his helmet, revealing his Atlas brand scar, showing that Adam isn't the only faunas with a scar over his eye

Scout Captain: I don't know, but we're going to find out after we tell the emperor about what we witnessed.

The scouts nodded as they hopped onto their speeder bikes and drove back to one of the newly constructed bases stationed all over the snowy terrains


After the scouts informed Emperor Jaune about the star destroyer that crashed into the mountains near the Star Forge, he ordered Adam & Illia to go an investigate the star destroyer that crashed in the mountains and find out who or what is inside that crashed ship while they are on their way to the crash site using a Arcadian Light Cruiser

In the command bridge, we see Adam & Illia enter the bridge and walk next to the Admiral, who is a blonde female faunas with cat ears named Miria Beren

Adam: Miria, how close are we to the crash site?

Admiral Miria: we should be arriving right now.

And what she said was right because they have arrived at the Chimera's crash site

And what she said was right because they have arrived at the Chimera's crash site

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(Replace this Venator with Thrawn's flagship)

Adam, Miria and the Arcadian Troopers/Officers stare at the wreckage of The Chimera in disbelief as Illia removed her helmet with a shocked look on her face

Illia: By the Gods... (looks at Adam) what do you think caused this ship to crash?

Adam then grew a stern look on his face as he stared directly at Illia

Adam: I don't know, but we're gonna find out.

He then looked at Admiral Miria

Adam: get a gunship ready for me and Illia immediately.

Admiral Miria: on it, sir.

Illia put her helmet back on as she and Adam exit command bridge and head to the hangar bay to get on the gunship waiting them


As the Arcadian Gunship entered the hangar, Adam, Illia, and some Arcadian Troopers exit the gunship and see that the hangar is littered with many dead stormtrooper bodies

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