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'And when you smile, there is zero gravity now, I never wanna touch the grou-'

"What!?" I say rudely as I answer the phone and slam it to my ear. Not even bothering to check the caller ID.

"Wake up" Felicity says, using the same rude tone as me. It's Tuesday,and school starts in a couple of hours. Why is she calling me?

"No. I'm so freaking tired! Leave me alone"

"Just get up Arlene! My god," Felicity shouts.

I look over to the alarm clock, sat on my bedside table.


"Why do you want me to get up so bad!? It's so damn early!" I shout louder.

I feel Kiylah Shuffle alittle next to me in her sleep.

"I just need someone to talk to" She says,her voice soft.

"What do you mean?"

"My" Felicity sighs. "My mom is in the hospital."

I gasp,then quickly but quietly rush to the bathroom,not wanting to wake Kiylah up.

"What? H-how?"

Felicity sniffles,and a wave of guilt hits me,for being so rude.

"I-I think she was driving home from work or something" She let's out a quiet sob.

"M- maybe she was drunk,I don't know,but she got into a pretty big accident"

I can't help but to let another gasp escape my lips.

I always knew,that Felicity's mom drank alittle too much alcohol sometimes. But I never thought,that she'd drive while intoxicated.

"Are you at the hospital right now?" I ask,grabbing my jacket and some boots.

"Mmhm" Felicity mumbles.

"I'll be there in a few" I tie my messy loose hair into a ponytail.

"No,You're right it's too early. And plus,Kiylah and you're mom will-"

"Kay,see you there!" I cut her off before hanging up the phone. Yeah,my mom,and kiylah probably will worry but who cares! My friend needs me.

I walk down stairs and take Kiylahs car keys from the kitchen counter and head out the front door.


"Im here!" I yell,running towards Felicity,who's sitting on a chair in the waiting area,with her face in her hands. She looks up and sees me,and wipes the mascara that slid down her cheeks,due to her crying. It breaks me seeing her like this.

The first thing I do when I reach her,is attack her in a hug. She hugs me back tightly,and let's a few more tears escape her eyes.

"She's going to be okay" I mumble into her hair,not breaking from our hug.

"But what if she's not okay?" Felicity looks up at me.

"What if,that fucking truck hit her hard enough to kill her?!"

She pulls away from me,angrily. Felicity and her mom,never really had a close bond. Well,that is,after her father passed away. Ever since,her mom started drinking,and leaving late at night to party. When she was home,she'd either have a guy over and....um,yeah or She'd yell at or hit Felicity for no reason what-so-ever,than she'd cry and ask for her forgiveness the next day.

If I be completely honest,her mother wasn't doing such a good job at parenting. I love beth. I really do,I just prefer her to be sober more than she is drunk. Either way,she still is her mom,and Felicity does love her to death.

"Don't think about that right now okay? Let's hope for the best" I sit down next to her and wipe a few tears away from her eyes.

"Did you get to see her?" I ask.

"No" She sniffles. "They wouldn't let me"


"Hello?" I pick up my phone. I sit up,not realizing that I fell asleep in the waiting area of the hospital with Felicity.

"Oh my god,where the hell are you?!?" I hear Kiylah shout. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you just leave like that,your mom and I were looking everywhere for you!"

She kept on yelling,not even giving me a chance to answer.

"Are you done?" I ask,making her finally shutup.

"Im at the hospital-" I say,only to be interrupted.

"What?! You're at the hospital? What the hell happened-" Then Kiylah gets cut off.

"She's at the hospital? Let me talk to her" I hear my mom say in the background.

"Mom I'm fine" I roll my eyes. "I'm here for Felicity-" I get cut off again.

"Felicity? What happened to Felicity?"


"nothing happend to her,Beth got into an accident and we're just waiting to see her"

"Really? Is she okay? You could've just told me where you were going,I could've given you a ride! Nicole,what am I going to do with you. You know you're going to be late to school right?"

" I know mom but I was rush and I forgot to ask you and I don't think I can go to school today. I need to stay with Felicity"

" What about your homework?"

" I'll have Kiylah get it for me."

I hear her sigh before she says "well,okay. This better be the last time you sneak out of the house without telling me"

"Okay,I will next time,bye" I hang up before she can say anything else.


Summerella as Felicity

Started with a flash (Dana Vaughns)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now