read please?

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Hi guys! I know I know,I'm sort of an idiot for not updating for basically the whole summer break! And I'm so sorry this isn't an update as probably you expected.

And I'm so so so sorry!!

I've had a couple of you guys ask me to update and I always say that I'll do it as soon as I can....

And really! -I've tried to write i really have! But nothing seems to come to mind. I already have the plot of the story figured out...but for some reason I can't seem to put it into words...:(

It's frustrating me too! Ugh! Stupid writers block:/


SO..I came up with the only solution I can....I'm deleting this story.....

Jk I would never! But I won't lie it has come across my mind a couple of times..

I'm not deleting the book but I honestly don't know how long it'll take for my next school starts soon too!

I just don't want to rush the next chapter,because then it'll end up crappy like most of the chapters already posted.

But I swear,when I get my inspiration back...I'll try my hardest on this book!

I honestly feel really guilty because I hate writing this authors note,but please don't hate me!!

I've also decided to change the names of the characters! Some chapters still have the original name but it'll be gone soon,I just felt weird having my Character using my name and so did Kiylah,so we decided to change them! I hope it isn't so confusing.

I really hope you understand though..I'm really sorry..

-Sending you lots of love..

Arlene xx ❤

Started with a flash (Dana Vaughns)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now