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"Perks of stalking"

The next day,I kind of felt bad about what happened.I guess it was a little rude to try and cut the conversation short than literally run home.He probably thought we were weird.I would've thought we were weird. Like seriously,who would show up at your house at night,behind the bushes wearing all black?
So because of that I decided that I could make it up to him by bringing him soup since he's sick.
definitely not an excuse to see him again.
I just hope he's still home.I made him chicken soup because I'm pretty sure thats his favorite type (you know.. Perks of stalking)

I quickly put on something decent looking and tied the excuse I call hair into a ponytail. Once I was out the door and walking towards Dana's house , I started debating whether or not to just turn around an go home.And after a while of walking,I was right in front of his house.....Maybe I should just go back..Yeah, maybe I should.

I was right about to turn back and start walking home when I heard a door open then close.I turned around and saw Dana standing at the bottom of his front steps with a garbage bag in his hand staring at me with confusion written all over his face. I felt my face heat up and I had no doubt that my face was firetruck red.I slowly and awkwardly walked up to him and waved.

"H-hi Dana" my voice was shaking a little.He smiled at me and put the garbage bag inside the garbage can.

"Hey" He said,his voice sounding deep and calm like the night before.

I extended my arms out giving him the bag where the soup was in."For you"

He grabbed the bag and with a small chuckle asked "Whats this?"

"Its soup,I figured i'd make you some since you sai-seemed to be sick and everything" I said trying to cover the little slip up.
"Oh!Thank you so much,you didn't have to" He said while giving me a hug,which I happily accepted. He's so warm!

"I know, but I kinda wanted to,I felt a little bad showing up at your house then running away" I said as we let go,the warmth of his body leaving my own.

"Haha,It's okay..um,Do you wanna come in?" He asked pointing to his house. WAIT! He's inviting me inside his house!? Like Inside,inside??

In the inside I'm shrieking and bouncing up and down like the crazy fan girl I am.'YES,YES,YES I DO!'

"Uhh,Sure why not" I shrugged trying to sound as casual as possible.

He lead me inside his house and OH.MY.GOD.It looks better then I imagined!

He has a beautiful chandelier hanging over his dining room table, a black and white themed kitchen that I could do anything in,a flat screen t.v. in his living room with shelves that carried beautiful and modern looking vases around it, But all in all,his house is Beautiful!
He took me to his room and I sat on his bed while he devoured the soup I made for him making me giggle. His room was also amazing.(A/N I don't want to get into detail because I'm pretty sure we all know what his room looks like) I cant believe I'm actually in Dana freaking vaughns' house! This is a little too good to be true!

Once he was done, he thanked me and told me that he really liked it.Then,We hung out, watched a couple of movies,took selfies,posted them on instagram (which caused 5ers to ask if we're dating or probably insulting me),played some video games(I sucked by the way) and got to know each other more... well,Him getting to know me while I acted like the things he told me weren't things that I already knew.

"How come we always meet when I need to throw the trash away?" Dana laughed while I shook my head laughing also,only because he has such an adorable and contagious laugh.

"I really dont know" I said with a small giggle at the end.
"Hey,do you still need to take pictures of my mailbox?" Dana asked catching me completely off guard. I totally forgot about that.

"Huh?Oh yeah the mailbox,right.Uh yeah,kind of.My art teacher is really strict when it comes to projects" I said with a nervous chuckle at the end.

"Oh,well cool, feel free to come anytime to take the pictures" Dana smiled making me return one to.

"Thanks Dana,thats really cool of you"

"No problem,you did make me soup" He chuckled making me giggle a little. I was getting really comfortble around him and my feelings towards him grew if that was even possible. I made him watch 'the vampire diaries' and he got hooked,I was pleased with myself knowing that I got Dana to fall in love with my favorite show. My phone buzzed and I saw that Claudia commented on a photo I took with Dana with shocked and angry emojis,She then texted me and told me to tell her everything tomorrow or else she'll never talk to me again. I laughed at that then I checked the time and seeing it was already 10:20.

I told Dana that I had to go and that I had a blast today at his house.He was a little bummed about it,which by the way,was extremly cute,and said he had a fun time too and hoped to see me soon.But before I walked out the door he stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Are you seriously planning on walking home,at this time?" He asked me with a concerned look.I smiled a little because I knew he wasn't going to let me go alone.

"Yeah actually,why?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Do you live across the street?"

"No"I said confused as to why he asked that.

"Do you live next door?"


"Then you're not walking alone,im giving you a ride"He said which caused me to smile brightly. I nodded my head as he took his keys and walked outside with me trailing behind.

"Can I please have your address, Alexis?" He asked sounding very polite. I giggled and told him where I live, which wasn't to far, or to close.

The car ride was fun,we blasted the radio while singing to the top of our lungs,while the windows were rolled down probably annoying the people sleeping at this time.


When he parked infront of my house I thanked him again,and tried my best to hug him but struggled a little since the console in the middle was preventing me to. He waited for me to get inside until he drove back home. I ran into my room and plopped myself onto my bed before kicking my legs into the air and shrieking and giggling like crazy.

I fell asleep with a huge,cheesy smile on my face,keeping the memory of today in my head.

(A/N) Hey guys Im soo soo sooo sorry I havent updated for a while! Hope you enjoyed this chapter though!
So do you think Claudia will murder Alexis?
So how about castings for Alexis and Claudia?comment who you think would play Alexis and Claudia the best!

Btw  and Thurzday replied to my comment too so besides school this week has been pretty good:)

Started with a flash (Dana Vaughns)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now