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"Holy S***"

If you know me,you would know that I am normally a cheerful, happy person, And that's because I am. But you would also know that I can be the meanest person , that you could ever meet.And sometimes that rude part of me comes out when I either get really annoyed,angry,Or when I am being woken up way to early in the mornings!

It was 6:10 in the morning,and my stupid alarm clock wouldn't shut up.I snuggled deeper into my blanket trying to shut out the annoying sound of my stupid phone trying to get me to wake up and the constant shouting of my name outside my door. I squeezed my eyes tighter, as if I tried hard enough all the noise would all stop........but it didn't.

I wanted to cry.

The yelling outside my room suddenly stopped but the stupid alarm didn't! I reached out my hand and continously hit my phone trying to press the snooze button with my eyes still closed (My phone is my alarm clock)

When the agitating sound finally stopped,I sighed in relief and got comfortable again.

My door suddenly flung open and then I heard it close.I squeezed my eyes tighter knowing that whoever was in my room,would try to wake me up.

And just as I predicted, Something-or,someone jumped on top of me,causing me to yelp in pain as my right arm was being crushed and my wrist was bent in a weird angle.

"OWWWW! Get off ,Get off!" I whined as I was trying to adjust my arm back in its regular position. I heard the elephant on top of me giggle and I groaned,instantly knowing who it was.

"Thats what you get for going back to see Dana and not telling me or inviting me,Jerk" Claudia  stated coming off of me

Just the thought of hanging out with Dana yesterday brought a smile onto my face.:).... But I hid that smile.

I lowered the cover from my face opening my eyes then closing them again due to the brightness in my room.I rubbed my eyes,trying to adjust them to the sunlight peeking through my curtains.

"What do you want?" I asked groggily while closing my eyes again.I do not like being woken up early,sleep is my bestfriend and I will not break our realtionship because of school or other things besides food that will take me away from it!

"Im here to pick you up for school stupid" Claudia  said as if it were obvious.

I sucked my teeth and groaned.I totally forgot that today was monday again and I have to go back to the place where freedom does not exist.

I didnt say anything back,Instead I stayed in bed,with my eyes closed and not making any movement.I heard a sigh,some Shuffling then something light fell on top of me.I peeped one eye open to see clothes on me.Claudia  left my room after telling me to hurry up.

I closed both my eyes again. Wishing that Claudia would some how forget about me and just leave without me.But knowing Claudia that would never happen. *sigh*


After what felt like 4 seconds but was really 3minutes,

I walked-more like dragged myself to the bathroom,tripping over a pillow that must have fallen off my bed, making me face plant on the hard wooden floor. I stayed there,eyes slightly closed,cheek smushed on the ground,and breathing heavily.

After like 5minutes of laying on the ground,probably looking like I was passed out, I decided to get up and brush my teeth. I took a shower,washed my face,and got dressed.Once I was fully clothed in the (thankfully) comfortable outfit Claudia picked out for me, I got back in bed,pulling the white duvet over me and closing my eyes again,Feeling as if I only had 5 seconds of sleep last night.

Started with a flash (Dana Vaughns)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now