Whatcha drawing? Nothing!

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Aru and Mini were hanging out at the Kapoor Mercado-Lopez house. They had a sleepover planned, and Aru was really excited. 

"So, Mini, what are we gonna do?" Aru asked excitedly. 

"Uh, I don't really know," Mini said, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Maybe we could watch a movie," Aru suggested. 

"I already know where this is going," Mini said. "Don't even think about it."

Aru had planned on convincing Mini to watch Lord of the Rings  with her. 

"This is the worst." Aru grumbled as she folded her arms. 

"Maybe we can have some reading time!" Mini said. "I have a whole bookshelf full of books!" 

"Oh. Yay. I'm sooooo excited," Aru said with sarcasm. She got up and went to find a book

"I'm gonna be drawing," Mini said as Aru sat down with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

It was quiet for a while, the only noises being Aru flipping the pages of a book and the scratching and erasing of a pencil on paper as Mini drew. 

"I'm gonna go get something to drink," Aru said, standing up. "Do you want anything?"

"Aru, you know we only have water, right?" Mini said, not looking up from her drawing. 

Aru sighed as she went downstairs to get herself a cup of water. When she entered Mini's room again, Mini was in the exact same spot, working intently on her drawing. Aru had to see what Mini was drawing with so much focus. Aru casually sat behind Mini and leaned in front to see what she was drawing. 

"So, whatcha drawing?" Aru said, scaring Mini. 

"Nothing!" Mini said as she clutched the drawing to her and turned around. "You scared me!"

"Sorry not sorry," Aru said. "Why won't you show me what you're drawing?" 

"It's nothing!" Mini said, not meeting Aru's eyes. 

"Yeah right." Aru had saw that it was not something that Mini had been drawing, but someone. Someone who was very familiar. 

(Any guesses on who it might be?)

"Mini, was that Rudy?" Aru said, laughter bubbling up in her. 

"Yeah! I mean, no!" Mini said, blushing. 

Aru started laughing. "Ooh, someone's got a cruuuuush!"

"Aru! Please promise me you won't tell anyone!" Mini said, turning super red. 

Aru sighed. "Fine, fine fine." 

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and have an awesome day!

- A fellow Potato


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