Chapter 4

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Taehyun went to his room and opened his closet to find some clothes for Beomgyu to wear for the night while Beomgyu woke Soobin up and let Soobin carry Yeonjun to the older's bedroom. When Taehyun finally found the clothes for Beomgyu, he came out to his room.

"Here, wear this and you can sleep at my room." Taehyun said as he gave Beomgyu the clothes.

Beomgyu thanked the younger after he took the clothes Taehyun gave him.

"I'll just sleep on the couch." Beomgyu denied as he pointed on the couch.

"Okay, whatever you want. Just come to my room if you can't sleep at the couch and sleep next to me." Taehyun went to his room again and gave Beomgyu a extra blanket.

"You can change at the bathroom." Taehyun pointed out where the bathroom was and go to his bedroom to sleep.

Beomgyu sighed before throw the blankets on the couch and went to the bathroom to change his clothes.

"I probably won't have any sleep tonight" Beomgyu whispered to himself as he lay on the couch and put the blanket Taehyun gave him over his body.

After a few minutes of Beomgyu struggling to sleep, he decided to sleep on Taehyun's bed.

When Beomgyu was about to knock on Taehyun's bedroom door, he hesitate and think quickly.

'Arent he will be uncomfortable..?' Beomgyu thought as he shook his head and think again.

'He said it himself so...' as he knock at Taehyun's door, the door immediately opened.

Taehyun opened the door smiling after he saw Beomgyu.

"Come in." Taehyun said but lowering his voice since the two olders might have been asleep.

"You can't sleep on the couch huh?" Taehyun asked.

"It was uncomfortable.." Beomgyu mumbled, overthinking that if Taehyun was mad about it.

"You can sleep next to me in the bed if you want?" Taehyun asked.

"I want to but you might be uncomfortable." Beomgyu said quietly almost inaudible but luckily Taehyun heard what he said.

"I won't be." Taehyun smiled, liking that the older was worried that he might be uncomfortable.

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