Chapter 7

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When Taehyun was secretly reading what was written on Beomgyu's notebook while the older was showering, forgetting the privacy Beomgyu have. Once Beomgyu was done showering, Taehyun quickly closed the notebook he was reading when he heard the door clicking open. When the door slide open, Taehyun's eyes slightly widen as he saw Beomgyu only with his towel on the hips. The younger's eyes roam around, looking at the older's fit body, broad shoulders, small waist and more but what caught Taehyun's attention was his collarbone and abdomen.

Beomgyu caught Taehyun staring at him as he told the younger not to look at him since it's embarrassing. When Beomgyu noticed one of the notebooks on his desk was moved, he looked at Taehyun if he read it but couldn't because he looked innocent so he decided to forget about what he just assumed. Beomgyu walk to his wardrobe to get his clothes he's gonna wear and grab his phone to ask a question Hyuka if he wants to hang out with him and Taehyun. When he was done texting Hyuka, he drew his phone on the side of the bed where Taehyun was sitting.

"You bringing Hyu..." Taehyun's tone lowers down and he went silent as he spoke again. He lowered his voice since when he said it, he we're familiar about the name and was bothered about it because he can't remember.

"That guy you were talking about earlier." Taehyun finished his question.

"Oh yeah and by the way it's Huening Kai or you can call him Hyuka.. it's a shorter nickname." Beomgyu said before going back to the bathroom.

At the bathroom, Beomgyu dried himself with the towel he was wearing around his hips as he dried his hair with a blower after. The older didn't get to fully dried his hair because he suddenly remembered that the younger was waiting for him but when he saw Taehyun using his phone unbothered about how long Beomgyu took.

"Hyuka said that he will be coming in 15 minutes." Taehyun said as his attention was fully on Beomgyu now because of how pretty and hot at the same time the older looks, Taehyun could stare for Beomgyu for hours if he can. The way his wet bangs was poking his eyes, some strands were sticking out etc, the way he looks ethereal nor so gorgeous in Taehyun's eyes.

"Does that also means you checked my messages?" Beomgyu asked but his question was leaved unanswered as he immediately leave the topic away.

Beomgyu lay carefully on his bed as he scrolled through his phone but he got up fast when he remembered the notebooks about someone was out and the person who he was talking nor writing about was next to him. The older quickly put the three notebooks in his unused or new bag, he glanced at Taehyun who was looking at his phone without even looking at the older. Beomgyu sighed as he lay his bed tiredly, he once again scrolled the screen of his phone.

The doorbell rang a few minutes after, which means that would be Huening Kai. Beomgyu got up quickly out of his bed Taehyun following from behind slowly, when Beomgyu reached the door he immediately greet his best friend but when Taehyun looked at Hyuka he couldn't move as if he was frozen and couldn't breath but he didn't notice it. Beomgyu's energy decreased when Hyuka's eyes showed sadness but happiness mixed, he wondered why but he didn't asked it.

"Wait... Huening Kai?"
Taehyun asked as his emotions beamed with happiness when he remembered.

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