Chapter 23

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Soobin panicked when he heard the doorbell rang, probably Yeonjun was home from work ( shooting )

"Soobin~!" Yeonjun called out in a singing tone, excited for them to hang out throughout the day.

"Y-yeah?" Soobin cursed himself when he stuttered.

"Wanna go out now?" Yeonjun asked while putting his stuff down before looking at the younger ( Soobin ) not ready to go out yet.

"Well.." Soobin thought of what to say to the elder.

"You're not ready yet?" Yeonjun asked, feeling tiny bit disappointed.

"I'm sorry, it's because I have to cook dinner for Beomgyu and I.." Soobin stopped himself from talking, there's no way he would say that he forgot they have a date.

"Oh, it's fine." Yeonjun said as he walked towards Soobin and wrap both of his arms around the younger's ( Soobin ) waist.

He pecked Soobin's lips, receiving a flustered reaction from the younger ( Soobin ).

"Let's get you ready?" Yeonjun asked releasing the younger ( Soobin ) from his hug when he saw Soobin shyly nod.

But before they go out, Soobin said to Beomgyu that he will be out soon. Taehyun gave him permission that he can leave the younger ( Beomgyu ) when they are talking to each other.

Soobin looked at Yeonjun, not knowing what to wear when the elder does not care whether he looks bad, attractive or whatever. He only cares about Soobin's presence around him, he missed the younger ( Soobin ) so much and he couldn't see him because of his busy schedule or work.

Soobin finally decided what kind of clothes he would wore, took him long enough. He decided to wear grey oversized hoodie, blue baggy jeans and white shoes.

"Let's go?" Yeonjun asked when he saw Soobin go out of the room and was fully ready but not quite ready.

Yeonjun hold Soobin's hand and interwined their fingers together as they go out of the house.

"Let's go to the amusement park today, you want?" Yeonjun asked once again, Soobin nodded and smiling softly.

Once they arrived at the amusement park, they immediately started having a conversation about what they should do, how was their day and random topics.

While Soobin was talking or rambling about something, Yeonjun was looking at the younger ( Soobin ) with adoration in his eyes. Yeonjun always liked Soobin's face or features, he could stare at the younger ( Soobin ) for hours. He admire Soobin very much.

When Soobin caught Yeonjun staring at him, he quickly got embarrassed and asked.

"Is t-there something in my face..?" Soobin asked embarrassed.

"No.." Yeonjun declined and sighed softly.

"You are just so beautiful." Yeonjun said to Soobin.

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