Chapter 20

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"Taehyun-ah.." Beomgyu called out the younger, feeling emotional as tears were on his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Taehyun asked as he cupped Beomgyu's cheeks and looked at him with concerned face, the younger hugged him tightly after seeing Beomgyu's tears dropped down his cheeks.

"Don't cry, we will meet each other again someday." Taehyun said, he pulled away from Beomgyu's body as he smiled softly but sadly.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Beomgyu said.

"Text me when you arrive, okay?" The older added, Taehyun nodded and Beomgyu hugged once again.

Taehyun pecked Beomgyu's lips before he waved goodbye to the older, Beomgyu was surprised but not long after as he sighed softly and waved back.

Taehyun looked at Beomgyu once again and mouthed "I love you." to the older.

"I love you too." Beomgyu said softly, surely Taehyun was be able to know what he said.

When Taehyun was gone, Beomgyu looked down. "Fuck.." Beomgyu cursed, more tears were dropping down. He sat down to the chair next to him and wiped his tears, he saw Soobin speed walking towards him as he hugged Beomgyu.

"Don't cry, you know Taehyun hates seeing you cry right?" Soobin asked, softly caressing Beomgyu's strands and rubbing circles on the younger's back. Beomgyu quietly cried on Soobin's shirt as he felt more comforted and comfortable when Soobin got there to comfort him since Taehyun was leaving, it hurted him so much since both of them were separating and probably Taehyun was hurt too.

( the upcoming storyline/chapters are mainly focused on Beomgyu or either Soobin and this chapter is included, I'm very sorry since I plan not to write what will happen to Taehyun. )

Beomgyu and Soobin are now in the Taehyun's room since Taehyun said Beomgyu can sleep on his bed and he has permissions and Beomgyu slept but was not on planned, Soobin quietly opened the door to check what was Beomgyu doing but what he only saw was the younger sleeping peacefully. Soobin sighed in relief because he had a negative thoughts about Beomgyu cutting his skin or harming himself, crying nonstop and more negative things.

Soobin also quietly closed the door so the younger won't wake up, after that Soobin picked up his phone and informed or update Taehyun about what is Beomgyu doing and he is probably gonna tell he is sleeping.

Gyu addict Tae:
What is he doing now?
Seen 9:04 am

Giant Soobin:
He is sleeping, don't worry.
9:06 am Seen

Giant Soobin:
Have you arrive?
9:07 am Seen

Gyu addict Tae:
No, I will arrive at U.S.A. in almost 7pm.
Seen 9:07 am

Giant Soobin:
9:07 am Seen

After a couple of hours ( 2 hours ), Beomgyu woke up and checked his phone if he had receive any texts from the younger ( Taehyun ) and he did but only 2 messages.

( Sorry readers if I change some nicknames/contact name on the story, if I have I'm very sorry. I forgot my own story but I remember putting messages or something, I guess it's my brain that is tricking me. )

Tyunniee <3:
I'm going to arrive at 6:00 pm in U.S.A.
Seen 9:00 am

Tyunniee <3
I heard that you were sleeping, rest well.
Seen 9:07 am

'What!?' Beomgyu realized when he received a message from the younger and he didn't expect him to text early ( not so early ) because he didn't get to reply early when he wanted to when he receives a text.

Beommie ♥️:
Sorry late reply!! ><
11:17 am Seen

Tyunniee <3:
It's fine, you were sleeping too.
Seen 11:17 am

'I wanna say it to him..' Beomgyu thought

Beommie ♥️:
I miss your voice right now..
11:16 am Seen

'What are you doing now Choi Beomgyu!?' He thought as he screamed in his pillow.

His phone rang as it showed that Taehyun was calling him, he cussed quietly when he saw video call. He immediately fixed his hair, face and shirt as he accepted the call.

"I look messy right now.." Beomgyu said in flustered and embarrassed voice.

"It's fine darling, you still look pretty." Taehyun said as he smiled.

'Did he just called me darling!?' Beomgyu thought in shocked and was blushing.

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