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"That's another person that thought we were married," Cress stated to Thorne, who was setting his backpack onto the bed.

"Well, it's not that far fetched, is it?" He replied, taking out his water bottle. The tips of his ears where turning a shade of red she'd never seen before. She had never seen him so nervous. Even at the counter, he had began playing with his collar, whereas normally he would have made a sly comment on the spot.

"What do you mean?" She asked, as she started to unpack her own bag.

Ignoring her, he said, "Stars above, it's hot in here. Do you wanna get a drink? I think I saw a place on the way."

She went over to him and shoved his backpack further down the bed.

"Are you alright?" She asked, passing him his water.

"Yeah- yeah, I think I just need to calm down," he replied. He took a swig from his water and looked back at her.
"You know what Cress? I think I'm feeling great." He gave her his best grin.

"Good. I was scared you were getting sick. You still thirsty? We can go get those drinks if you want." She took her water bottle out of her own bag and took a big gulp.

"Sure, but I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom first. I'll be one minute!"

Cress looked at the room around her. By the door, there was a large mahogany desk with a small square mirror above it. On the wall in front of her, she saw a large netscreen that was currently turned off. She was about to turn it on when something caught her eye. A bright light was seeping through the curtains. She walked over to it and saw a small handle. Drawing the curtains back, she saw that it was a door to a balcony. She opened it, rested her hands on railings, and began to hum. Below her were the busy streets of Madrid. She could see a maglev station a mile from here, and could hear the magnetic wave of taxis passing by. She did not hear Thorne open pass through the curtains and join her side.

"You know, I always hear you singing that same song," he said, his eyes fixed on shops below them.

Cress gave out a short yelp.
"Thorne! Aces, you scared me!" She said, moving to lean over the rails.

"Well tell me- what was the song?" He asked impatiently.

She flushed. "I-I- Um. I don't know?" She stuttered.

He pretended to think. "I don't think I believe you. Tell me!"

"I-I, I made it. From a collection of operas, I made it! Gosh Thorne, if I knew you were gonna intimidate me I wouldn't have started." She rushed over her words and could barely hear her say them.

"You made it? Cress!" He exclaimed.

"What- don't you like it?" She said, but it was barely audible compared to the mass of thuds and curses coming from inside the room.


Cress however, was not convinced. She rushed into the room and saw Thorne, sitting on the bed, hand on one side of his face. He was cursing and looking for tissues.

"Thorne? Are you sure you're alright?" She asked, going over to him.

"I'm not. Can you hand me some tissue?" He confessed. She dived into her backpack and came out with a pack of tissues.

"What happened to you're face?" She asked, moving to sit in front of him.
He lifted his hand and revealed a pool of blood, starting from 2 large scratches.
She gasped.

"How? Wha- how?!" Cress took a tissue and started wiping the blood away from his cheek. He grimaced at every stroke she took.

"I went inside to get something. I dropped it under the bed and went down to get it. There were 2 things poking out- nails probably- and they cut me. I sat up, banged my head and the bag dropped of the bed. So a very chaotic moment." He explained. "At least I got it!"

"What did you drop?" She starting wiping his hand now, which was covered in more blood than that was in his cheek.

"This." He held out a small gold box, covered in stars and moons.
"I got it for you, when we stopped in the USA. I saw it, and thought of you."

He opened the box revealing a small navy pendant, with the brightest crescent moon.
Cress had finished wiping the blood now. She put the tissues on the side table and they both stood up. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug. At the same time, Thorne secured the pendant around her neck and held it. She was too surprised for words, but he could understand.

"It looks nice on you," he said finally. "Now, wanna drink?"

She nodded and he led her out.


They sat at a table by the edge, on the highest floor of the restaurant. On their way here, Cress and Thorne had become hungry and decided to order lunch with their drinks. A service droid came over to their table.
"What would you like to order?" She asked, passing them two glasses and a large bottle of water.

Cress scanned the menu. She looked at Thorne. Thorne looked at her. Finally, he said, "Surprise us."

"Are you content with the service I have provided?" She asked, taking the menus from them.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," replied a very irritated Thorne. The droid rushed away and down the lift. Cress looked at Thorne. On their way here, they had managed to buy plasters from the pharmacy. They had covered up his face pretty well, but you could see his flushed cheek reddening by the second.
Taking advantage of the silence, she opened her portscreen and looked at her univs account. She didn't have much left, and she knew that Thorne couldn't provide for everything.

"I hate when they ask about service. No one ever tells the truth about how they were treated. Why? 'Cuz no one cares!" He said suddenly. Cress suppressed a laugh underneath her smile.
"Why do people program them like that anyway?" He asked.

Programming...she thought.

"Thorne!" She exclaimed.

"What? Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"

"No no, I just thought of something!"


"I could go to peoples houses and ask if they wanted anything re-programming. We could have fun and earn money!"

"Cress! That's amazing! But do you really wanna do it?"

"I don't wanna forget it- it's be good to practice every now and then. Plus, who knows? Maybe Luna will revolt again and Cinder will need her hacker."

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