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Cinder sat up weakly, adjusting herself in her bed. Only slightly. She didn't want to wake up her daughter.

The baby in her arms didn't even feel like hers; she had small soft tufts of hair that Cinder gently moved out of her face now,  and even asleep her small fist caught her real finger and held it tightly.

And when she was awake, stars above, she had the most beautiful light brown eyes she had ever seen. Well, they were so much like Kai's that that statement stood to argument.

Just then, Kai crept in, closing the door gently behind him. He saw his daughter and his face lit up, eyes taking on a new brightness. He pulled up a seat and came next to her bed.

"Hey," he said. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. The sedatives are wearing off, but overall I feel fine," she answered. He looked giddy.

Cinder sighed. "Do you want to hold her?"

He nodded rapidly.

Grinning, she carefully passed her daughter into Kai's secure arms. She stirred a little, opening her eyes to gaze at her father. Upon recognition, she gave a tiny smile as she dozed back to sleep.

Without breaking eye contact with the small girl, he said, "Name."

Cinder raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Name. We need a name for her," he clarified.

"Oh. Right. Have you got anything in mind?" Cinder asked.

Kai shrugged. "I thought you might want to choose."

That warmed something in her chest. Kai had waited for her to choose.

Her retina display showed up common baby names, rare ones, royal ones, cutest ones. She skimmed through the list when something caught her eye.


Simple, cute, easy to say.

She searched for the meaning.

Fairy maiden. Fairy goddess.

Such graceful beings, for a graceful and gentle child.

"Ella," she whispered.

Cinder turned to face Kai. He was beaming at her.

"Ella," he repeated. "Beautiful."

He looked down at his daughter. "What about you? Do you like the name Ella?"

In response, her eyes widened and she stared at Cinder.

A million thoughts blazed through her head. What did she know about motherhood? She hadn't had one for the majority of her life. What if she was a bad mother? What if she was just like Adri?

No. She would work every day to be the mother that her child deserved, the mother that she never got.

"Cinder and Ella," Kai said. "Cinder and Ella. Cinder and Ella. Cinder. Ella. Cinder Ella. Why does that sound familiar?"

She shrugged, grinning at Ella, who was now awake. She giggled in Kai's lap. They both laughed.

Yes. Cinder would work every day to be the mother that she never had.

 Cinder would work every day to be the mother that she never had

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