Chapter 6

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"'Cause you could be the one that I love, I could be the one that you dream of"

-Message in a bottle, Taylor swift

As Cordelia walked up the grand staircase to her wing, she thought about what Grayson had said, or what he had wanted to say, "I'm so sorry Della" the words replayed themselves over and over again in her mind, had he really been sorry, or was he simply desperate now that Emily was dead? She had told Grayson she had no idea what he was apologising for, when in reality she knew all too well, he was trying to apologise for breaking her heart.

*3 years ago*

"What do you mean your going back to England?"

"Exactly what it sounds like Grayson, it not like I want to, my father said he wanted me back, plus it's not like we'll never see eachother again I'll come visi-"

"No" Cordelia blinked at Grayson, "what?"

"Don't visit, I don't think I'll ever be able to look at you again." Grayson shook his head and started walking backwards as if he was sacred of Cordelia. "Please Grayson, I don't want to do this, you know I would never hurt you on purpose. I love-"

"Leave." Cordelia bottom lip quivered, tears threatening. "leave and never talk to me again." She had never heard Grayson this angry, so for the last time, she picked up a daisy from the ground and placed it in his hair.

Cordelia pushed open the door to her room, and collapsed onto her bed, rolling onto her back to star at the ceiling, she wanted to forgive Grayson but her pride told her she couldn't, although she was about 93% sure that she would end up forgiving him by the end of their stay.

Groaning, she pushed herself off the bed and walked over to her suitcase to see what dresses she had packed, she ended picked a knee length greenish gold dress along with a pair of cream heels. At 8 she got a message from Dorian informing her that everyone was waiting in the main room.

It was of course Cordelia's luck that she was next to Grayson in the bulletproof suv, about 5 minutes into there ride she felt Graysons hand brush hers, her head immediately shot up to see Grayson smirking down at her, he tapped her hand again he had a note in it, reluctantly she slipped it out of his fingers, and like any civilised woman would, she tucked it into her bra. "Don't open it until we get back" Grayson lips were at her ear, Cordelia blushed at the surprisingly intimate gesture.

At dinner she was, unfortunately, also next to Grayson, but also next to Avery, Cordelia had had a brief conversation with Avery when she was greeting the brothers and was quite eager to know more, fortunately Avery also seemed quite interested in getting to know Avery, "Cordelia, I love how you've done your hair today!" Avery said to her, a grin on her face, Cordelia wracked her brain for something appropriate to say back, she wasn't awkward, ok maybe she was a little awkward, but that didn't matter, except is interviews, but that's a story for another time, "thank you so much! I love your hair as well it's so pretty, with all the brown and blonde bits, it gives you a lot of personality!" Cordelia and Avery chatted for a while until the waitress arrived with their food, just as the waitress put down Graysons food, his phone started ringing, the name said Gigi and the photo was of a girl holding a cat with a massive grin, she seemed sweet, if Cordelia hadn't already known that Gigi Grayson was his sister she might of thought that grayson was seeing someone, luckily she knew that Grayson had quite an unlucky experience when it came to relationships. "I'm going to go take this." he said sliding off his chair and outside of the restaurant.

"Shit" Dorian muttered from the other side table, "what's wrong?" Cordelia said standing up from her chair a little to see him patting his pockets, "I left my phone in the car, could you go get it for me Della?"

"Ok, who has the keys"

"Oren does, he's outside"

Once Cordelia retrieved the Keys from Oren and the phone from the car, she headed back towards the restaurant, only to meet Grayson outside on the phone to -Cordelia presumed- his sister, once she realised she was staring at him, it was too late, Grayson gestured with his fingers for her to come over.

You could just turn around, ignore him of course Cordelia did not listen to the voices of reason in her head, and instead walked towards him. When she was within arms length of him she listened to him argue with his sister about cats? "No, Gigi I don't care if you have pocket money you can't buy another cat!" He said sternly, the voice on the other side replied "but grayyy, I'll hide it from sav and mom, I promise."

"no." Grayson hung up the call, "Hello Cordelia" he said pinching the top of his nose, "Why won't you let your sister get a cat" he stared at her before bursting into laughter, "because daisy, she already has three."

"Fair enough," she cocked her head "what did you want to talk about?"

"You already know."

"No I don't, tell me."

"How about I show you"

And with that he kissed her.


This one's a little bit of a long one, but I loved writing, especially the little insight as to where everything went wrong between Grayson and Cordelia, I'll tell you a secret it wasn't Aaron Ambrose who made her leave 🤭

love and haikus // grayson hawthorneWhere stories live. Discover now