❤︎10❤︎ second term

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                            OSE'S P.O.V

Ose grumbled as her younger sister cried in the next room. "Ughh, I hate Mondays," she thought to herself. "No, stop it, you're not going to start this day off in a bad mood," she chided herself. She sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "I guess it's time to start Term 2," she thought. "I wonder if Jeremy and the others are ready for another exciting term." Ose started getting dressed, trying to push away the butterflies in her stomach.
As Ose got dressed, she thought about how much had changed since the start of the year. She and her friends had been through so much already, and they were only just getting started. As she headed downstairs, she wondered what the new term would bring. Would it be more of the same, or would something completely unexpected happen? Ose's stomach was in knots as she made her way to the kitchen. Her mom was there, making breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom," said Ose, as she came into the kitchen. Her mother smiled at her and said, "Good morning, Ose. How did you sleep?" Ose shrugged. "I slept okay, I guess," she said, her thoughts still racing. "Term 2 starts today," she added, trying to sound casual. Her mother put a plate of eggs and toast in front of her. "I know, sweetie," she said. "Are you excited?" Ose wasn't sure how to answer that question.

❤︎writer's P.O.V❤︎
Ose had had a great time in Term 1, but she also knew that things were bound to change in Term 2. After all, she and her friends had had some pretty crazy adventures already. At the Christmas party, Sophie had glared at them, and Ose could tell that there was going to be some drama ahead. But, Ose tried not to let it get to her. She had her friends, and she was going to make the most of Term 2. She just hoped that the drama wouldn't get too out of hand.
Ose remembered the Christmas party like it was yesterday. The lights were twinkling, the music was playing, and she felt like she was in a fairytale. She saw Jeremy across the room, and their eyes met. The world seemed to slow down as they smiled at each other. He walked over to her, and they danced together under the mistletoe. It was a magical night, and Ose knew that it would be one she would never forget.


As Ose sat at the breakfast table, she tried to push the memories of the Christmas party away. She knew that she had to focus on the present moment, and not get lost in her thoughts. But it was hard to forget about the way Jeremy had looked at her, and the way he had held her hand as they danced. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on her breakfast. But her thoughts kept drifting back to the memory of that night.
Just as Ose was getting lost in her thoughts, she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Aisha, her best friend. "Earth to Ose," she said, with a smile. "You're not even listening to the teacher. What's on your mind?" Ose hesitated for a moment, but she knew she could trust Aisha. "It's just...I can't stop thinking about the Christmas party," she said. "And the way I felt when I was dancing with Jeremy." Aisha's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, do you have a crush on him?" she asked.
Ose shook her head. "No, I don't have a crush on him," she said. "But I feel like everyone at school is judging me for dancing with him. I'm worried that Sophie is going to start a rumor about me, and that she'll try to turn everyone against me. I don't want to deal with all that drama." Aisha put a hand on Ose's shoulder. "You don't have to worry about that," she said. "You're an amazing person, and no one can take that away from you.

"I'm sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you after exams," Aisha said. "But you know I've always been there for you, and I always will be. I know things have been a little different since I started dating Tolu, but that doesn't mean our friendship is any less important to me. You're my best friend, and nothing can change that." Ose felt a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you for saying that," she said. "I know I'm probably just being paranoid, but I just want things to be the same as they were before."

            ❤︎AT THE CAFETARIA❤︎
Ose and Aisha were sitting at their usual table in the cafeteria, eating their lunch and chatting about their day. Suddenly, they heard whispering coming from the other side of the room. "Do you think that's Jeremy, Tolu, and Alex?" Aisha asked, looking over her shoulder. "It sounds like them." Ose peered through the crowd, trying to spot her friends. Sure enough, there they were, huddled together and whispering excitedly.

Jeremy broke away from the group and headed over to where Ose and Aisha were sitting. He looked straight at Ose as he approached, a smile on his face. "Hey there, you two," he said. "What's up?" Aisha grinned at him. "Nothing much," she said. "Just eating lunch and avoiding all the crazy drama in here." Ose tried not to look too pleased that Jeremy had walked over to them. But inside, she was giddy with excitement.

"Hey, babygirl," Jeremy said as he sat down next to Ose. She blushed as he put his arm around her and gave her a hug. She tried to act cool and casual, but inside she was jumping for joy. She couldn't believe he had just called her "babygirl." That was a term of endearment, right? It had to be. But she didn't want to get her hopes up too much. She had to play it cool. "Hey, Jer," she said. "What's up?"

"You look great this term, Ose," Jeremy said. "What's your secret?" Ose felt her cheeks turning pink. She tried to play it off. "I haven't done anything different," she said. "I guess I'm just glowing from all the studying I've been doing." Jeremy laughed. "Right," he said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure that's it." Ose gave him a playful nudge. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you the real reason," she said, lowering her voice. "It's because I'm spending so much time with you guys.

"Those guys should know you're...mine?" Jeremy's voice trailed off as he realized what he had said. He stumbled over his words, trying to correct himself. But it was too late. Ose had heard what he had said. And she couldn't help but smile. She had been hoping that he felt the same way about her. And now, it seemed like her hopes might be coming true. But she didn't want to get ahead of herself. "What do you mean by that?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
"How about we meet at the football field after school?" Jeremy asked changing the topic, his voice a little shaky. "We can talk then." Ose nodded, trying to keep her cool. "That sounds good," she said. "I'd like that." Jeremy smiled. "Great," he said. "I'll see you there." Ose tried to play it off like it was no big deal. But inside, she was over the moon. She couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

Ose knew that she had to keep her emotions in check. She couldn't let herself get carried away. She had to remember that they were just friends. Nothing more. And nothing would ever come of it. She couldn't let herself think otherwise. But as the day went on, she couldn't help but feel a little bit hopeful. Maybe there was something more there after all. But she quickly pushed the thought away. She wasn't ready to go there. Not yet.

Ose spent the rest of the day trying to focus on her classes. But her mind kept wandering back to Jeremy. What if there was something more between them? And what if there wasn't? She didn't know what to think. She was so confused. After the last bell rang, she gathered her things and headed to the football field. When she arrived, she saw Jeremy already there, waiting for her. He smiled when he saw her, and her heart skipped a beat. But she forced herself to stay calm. This was just a friendly meeting. Nothing more.


"So, how old are you?" Jeremy asked Ose. "Fourteen," she replied. "That's cool, we're only a year apart," he said with a smile. They continued talking about their lives, their families, and their hobbies. Ose found that she had more in common with Jeremy than she thought. They had both started playing the guitar when they were young, and they both loved to read. As they talked, Ose felt herself relaxing around him. She felt like she could be herself with him.

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