Chapter 6. Fireworks

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Colby's POV

Fourth of July is tomorrow and I think I wana take Issy on a double date with Sam and Kat to see the fireworks up at the Hollywood sign. Even though it's a holiday I think there will be even less people than normal because the police make it very clear that there will be a lot of cops up there but that's something that I'm willing to risk.

"Hey Sam." I say walking into his room. "You don't knock do you?" He's says finishing putting his shirt on. "I don't wanna hear it man do you not remember how you found out that me and Issy were more than friends?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him. "Yeah fair point, what do you need man?" He asks sitting down on his bed while I'm in his desk chair.

"You wanna take the girls up to see the fireworks tomorrow night at the Hollywood sign?" I ask while spinning in his desk chair. "That would be so cool, but isn't that kinda hard and dangerous because of how many cops are up there?" He asks stopping the chair with his feet and swiveling it back and forth. "Since when have we been afraid of cops and doing illegal things?"( A/N: you will be in about a year boys don't worry) I say raising an eyebrow at him.

"You know I'm not opposed to but what about the girls? We don't wana get them in trouble do we?" He says looking at me like he's not so sure. "We won't get caught. We never have. We never will." I say being a little bit dramatic. (A/N: HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ONE DAY WILL YOU COCKY LITTLE SHIT) "Okay but you're the one who is bringing it up at lunch tomorrow." He says looking at me with an expression showing that he is unsure. "Okay I'll bring it up at lunch tomorrow. We just have to be very careful on our way up there, we can't take lovers lane like we normally do cause I'm sure it will be lined with cops." I said starting to walk out of his room.

Lunchtime 7/4/18

"Hey what would you girls think about going up to sit on the Hollywood sign to watch the fireworks tonight?" I said as we had just finished up and headed to my car. "Are you crazy that is gonna be flooded with cops. ESPECIALLY lovers lane! I don't wana gets arrested!" Issy yells sounded terrified to go anywhere near the sign. "We won't go up lovers lane and me and Sam do illegal shit all the time and we never get caught. Please, I'll give you a present when we get home." Whispering the last part in her ear and snapping her bra strap.

"Cole. Robert. Brock." She says giving me a look like she is going kill me. "Yes I'll go but you have to stop doing that stuff when we are with Sam and Kat." She says looking into the back seat to see a confused Sam and a giggling Kat. "I'll go but if we get caught you guys are explaining to my parents a why I'm in jail." Kat says still giggling at the interaction between me and Issy moments earlier.

"BET I told you that I would get them Sam! Pay up." I say looking back at him and laughing. The whole morning he was betting that they would say no. So I told him to bet on it and we bet ten dollars. "Well you still own me that $100!" He yelled handing me up the 10. "No that hasn't happened yet it's been very close but not yet." I say correcting him. "Soon." He says. I just laugh knowing that he's probably not wrong.

The girls haven't questioned a thing because they are talking about what they wana wear tonight. "You should let us pick out your outfits." Sam suggests after they had been arguing for 30 minutes about what to wear. "I don't know you guys, you would have to promise not to give us anything too revealing." Kat says not too sure of weather or not it's a good idea. "You guys just have to remember that there is a chance that we could get arrested and people would see that mugshot." Issy says giggling at how Kat was so unsure. "Issy you and I both know that I can't make that promise because I've seen your closet." I say knowing the exact outfit I would put her in. " I never said that you had to make that promise, I don't have a public image to keep up." Issy says laughing at the last part.

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