Chapter 9. Kittens

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Colby's POV

I bought kittens. Issy has always loved cats and she has a cat named binx at home but she wasn't allowed to bring him with her because it's her mom's cat. So I went to a person who had kittens they needed gone and there was a calico girl and a tabby boy that I fell in love with.

I went into this thinking I would just get one but they just looked like too perfect together. I took pictures of them when I was still at the house I got them from.

I think that I'm gonna let Issy name them since they are her present

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I think that I'm gonna let Issy name them since they are her present. I really hope she likes them everyone's telling me that she really will so...

I'm gonna give her them in a cute box that I'm gonna wrap. She's gonna love it I just know it. It will give us children without the scariest part.

2 hours later (this time skip is brought to you by "my pp went bye bye got the winter")

I'm so excited. Issy just found the wrapped box on her bed and she's about to open it. I have a camera set up so I can make a vlog about this later.

I watch as she starts to open the box carefully unwrapping it. Then she hears it the soft meow of the calico. Her face contorts in confusion as she gently opens the box.

"Omg!!" She gasp picking up the two kittens one in each hand. "Where did you come from cuties. You're so cute." She says booping the calico one on the nose. I walk out of the bathroom and she doesn't even notice that I'm there.

"Do you like your present?" I ask as I walk up beside her stealing the tabby from her chest. "Wait you did this? Do I get to keep them? What are their names? How old are they? How long have you had them?" She asks so many questions at once that I can't answer them all.

"You get to name them, I've only had them for three hours, yes they are yours." I said walking closer to her. "Don't worry I bought all the supplies for them. Including the litter box that is in the spare bathroom done stairs." I said as her face looked worry probably about not having stuff for them. "I bought them everything they will need and if I have to I will buying the food and litter." I said walking closer to her.

We both put the cats down and she comes over and gives me a huge hug. She jumps wanting me to catch her. I caught her and spun her around. "I love you Brock" she said quietly into my neck. "I love you too Porter" I mumbled into the top of her head. I walk over and turn off the camera picking it up and carrying it and Issy to my room. I'll film my outro later.

We lay down together settling in for an afternoon nap. Before we know it the two new house members jump up into the bed and cuddle into each side of us.

Five days later
Colby POV

I've been away for two days and Issy is having a really hard time without me because she's developed her separation anxiety again, which she hasn't had in a couple years since she hasn't seen me. I'm at the airport about to get picked up when I get a text from her. I decide that I should read it right away and open it.

I open it to see a picture of her in nothing but a Lacey bra and black short shorts.

I swear to god when I get home I'm gonna wreck her. I'm in the middle of an airport an hour away from home. Right next to Sam. "I'm I about to win that bet when we get home?" Sam said with a smirk on his face. "One don't peak at my girlfriend's sexy pictures. 2 you already won like two months ago. Cause what was wrong with her last week was she thought she was pregnant. She's not but it really scared her." I said letting a lot slip for the chance of any of our fans hearing because we're in public.

"Pay up you bitch I could have used that hundred this weekend." He said laughing. I wasn't finding it very funny because I was unbelievably horny. "I'm not in the mood right now. I'm gonna wreck her when I get home." I said growling the last part under my breath. "I figured you were by how angry you are." He said as we were walking towards the exit.

I hour later
Issy POV

I know I'm gonna regret doing that but I couldn't help it. He's gonna be so upset with me. He'll be home any minute. I'm kinda regretting my decision but I don't have a choice now. "Isabell we're home!" I hear Colby yell. Shit. He called me Isabell. He never calls me Isabell. It's always Issy. He's pissed.

"In my room. Now." Colby says scaring the shit out of my appearing in my door. "Okay... I'm sorry." I said with my head down walking behind him towards his room. "No you're not don't lie to me." He says grabbing my wrist as he drags me past Sam. "Good luck" Sam whispers while I walk past. "Oh she'll need it." Colby says as he opens the door to his room...

Authors note: I'm gonna give you smut I promise I'm just gonna make you wait a week... I've been writing in class so I have to be careful. Love yall!💜
Word count: 942

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