Chapter 21. Exploring

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Colby POV

I think I'm gonna ask Isabell to go explore an abandoned place with us. I know that she used to go to the warehouse with us but she hasn't been to anything abandoned since we left Kansas, because she didn't want to go alone.

"What do you think about Issy going with us on the next exploration video?" I asked Sam. He was researching the place we were going to next week. "I would love for her to go, but we have to fly and we know how she is with airports." He said spinning around in his chair.

"I would ask her now but shes currently planning something for my birthday and she might hurt me if I go in there." I said walking further into his room. "I'll go ask her in a minute, but come here this shit is creepy." He said moving his chair over.

I looked over at his screen. The website basically said that the location was known for being extremely haunted, and having some gang activity. "Of course this is the video you wanna bring her too." Sam said as he scrolled down looking at the number of murders known to have taken place there. 450.

Issy🤪: Hey would all of you like to come to a birthday party for Colby? I know that a lot of you just got done partying for new years but the invites still stands.

Sammy🌞: It's not gonna be a huge party though right? Just us no one else?

Issy🤪: Yeah this invite admits only you.

Kat🩷: I'll be there. What time are we showing up?

Kian😊: Yeah what time is it my and Jc will be there

Issy🤪: Well I'm taking him shopping, and then to lunch around 2:00 so I'd say be there around 3:00.

Corey⚠️: I assume that you'll need help setting it up to surprise him?

Jake😎: Me and Tara can help set up.

Arron🙃: Yeah I can help too

Sammy🌞: When you leave I'll go get Kat so me and her can help if you need.

Issy🤪: You guys are too sweet to me that'd be great if you helped. Anyone who didn't reply to the group you guys are still welcome to come don't feel pressured to reply.

Issy POV

"Hey Issy me and Colby wanted to know if you would want to go on our next exploration with us. It's in Pennsylvania so we'd have to fly but it looks really cool." Sam said walking into my room.

"One you scared the shit out of me, and two I would love to go. I'll be okay with the flying I think I can handle it. What day would we leave?" I asked. I did really want to go because I haven't been exploring in 5 years and I really miss it.

"We leave the day after Colby's birthday. So two days." He said with a guilty look on his face. "So I have two days to pack and plan for Colby's party? No it's fine I got this I can do both." I said walking over to my closet and pulling down my suitcase. "I'll just start packing while I call the bakery." I said pulling out my phone.

"Let me know if there's anything if I can do for his party or make the trip easier." Sam said walking out of my room. I called the barkers and ordered the cake. "SHIT!" I yelled after dropping my heavy ass suitcase on my already injured ankle. "Princess!?" I heard Colby yell. "Can I come in?" He asked from outside my door.

"Yeah-" I choked out through a sob. "You're okay pretty girl." He said picking me up and carrying me down to the living room. "You're okay princess I'm just gonna put your brace back on." He said putting me down the couch and grabbing my brace to put on. "What happened?" He asked wiping the tears from my cheeks.  "I dropped my bag full of my shit on my ankle." I said grabbing his hands and holding them in front of me.

"Wait so does that mean that you're going on the trip with us?" He asked excitedly. "Yes, I'm going on the trip with you guys." I said giving him a small kiss.

2 Days Later
Colby POV

My head is fucking pounding. I wake up in nothing but boxers, with Isabell in nothing but one of my t-shirts. I reach over to my phone and turn off the vile fucking alarm sound. "Good morning beautiful." I said trying to run my fingers through her hair. I stop realizing that it's no use because it's too tangled.

"Good morning." She grumbled. "Come on let's go take a hot shower." I said picking her up and walking towards my bathroom. I got to the bathroom and set her down on the toilet. Her neck is covered in hickies. Like they are everywhere. I look in the mirror at myself. Shit, my neck is worse than hers.

"Pretty girl, we match look!" I said pulling her up and against me. Pointing at her neck and mine. "Oh I love your morning voice so much. I don't think this will make sense but your morning voice matches our hickies." She said walking towards the shower to turn it on.

Authors note: Hey yall I hope you've been doing well I'm sorry that on been so infrequent on the updates. Anyways love yall💜!
Word count: 920 words

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