Chapter 7. Public Outrage

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Colby's POV

The reaction to my Instagram post was WILD. People are already speculating about who it is. There is girls that her saying that they would kill whoever it was and now I'm really scared to even tell them. Issy thinks that it's really funny that they are so enraged. Honestly, I agree a little because of the fact that they are all obviously 12 year old girls.

Issy told me that I should let her cover my neck in lipstick for a picture, I think that I might. I'm gonna ask her if she wants to post it on her instagram though because I think she's been anxious with people not knowing who it is. The other day we went to the mall and she was scared to hold my hand because she didn't want someone to see us and make a post. She told me that she thinks she'll ruin my reputation of just sleeping with pretty girls.

I told her that I was glad to leave that behind and that I was ready to be seen with a very beautiful, hot, and pretty girl. She went red at that comment. It's fun watching her go red.

Issy POV

So I'm thinking that I'm gonna take Colby up on that offer to bribe me into to going to the Hollywood sign. I've been so restless and he keeps making me go red. We spend basically every moment together so there's no time to jerk off, for either of us. I don't know how he's doing it but I need something before I got insane.

"Hey darling." Colby says as I walk into his room. "Hi" I whispered as I walked up to him. He sets his hands on my waist giving me a kiss. He leans up to go sit down but I don't want just one kiss. I catch his wrist as he's walking away. "What baby-" he starts to talk but is cut off by me pulling him down for a kiss. "Baby if you want more kisses I can just-" As he says that he picks me up by my ass and my arms fall around his neck.

Our makeout session turns into me straddling his lap again. Huh it's almost like we've been here before. "If you don't want this to go another further that's fine but I need to know that now while I still have self control." Colby says his hands set on my waist. I wanted to finish my hickey but now I have to answer his question. I lean up from his neck, "You can loose you self control if you want, I lost mine twenty-five minutes ago."


Colby collapsed onto my chest nuzzling his face into my neck. "I love you." He mumbled into my neck giving me a light kiss on the neck. "Love you too" I said playing with his hair. I put on his hoodie and my shirts, and he put on shorts. I took a picture of the hickey on my neck and post it on Instagram in Snapchat.


—————————————————————————————Authors note: This chapter has been heavily edited and parts have been removed

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Authors note: This chapter has been heavily edited and parts have been removed. There is nothing wrong with people writing smut containing adults whose boundary's it does not violate I just felt uncomfortable after writing. I'm sorry if you feel robbed. Love yall 💜!
Word count: 564 words

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