Chapter 24. Again?

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Issy POV

Why? Why can it never be a anticlimactic week? I haven't had my period in two months and I don't know if my body just can't regulate its self or if my birth control failed me. God I hate getting pregnancy tests. Like why is everyone so judgy? I think I'm gonna ask Colby to go with me this time so there is no panic attack.

"Hey baby" Colby says coming up beside me and snaking his arm around my waist. "Hi" I mumbled back quietly. "What's wrong" he asked looking at me with worry plastered a crossed his face.

"Can we go get a test?" I whispered, trying to make sure nobody else heard. "Of course love. Do you wanna go now?" He asked guiding me through the living room to the front door. "Yeah sooner the better." I said as he grabbed his keys. "We'll be back in an hour!" He yelled as we walked to the car.

"It shouldn't take an hour to get a test." I told him as we got in the car. "Yeah but would you rather get food and take the test there, or have to hide the box in the trash again?" He laughed as he asked. "Yeah good point let's go." I said as he reversed out of his spot.

Colby went and got the test and started driving us to McDonalds at my request. When we got there he started ordering our food while I went straight to the bathroom.

"So what's it say?" Colby asks as I walk out of the bathroom. It had been five minutes and the test had results. "I'm gonna take another one." I said looking at what the result was. It was positive.

No way I'm actually pregnant. There is no way. No way I am this unlucky. I'm not ready for a baby. Or for the judgement of getting an abortion. Another positive.

Tears start to roll down my cheeks, not happy ones either. I'm not ready for a baby. I can't raise a child.


Issy🤩🥰😘:They're both positive.

💜🖤Colby🖤💜: It's okay love just unlock the door
Colby POV

I hear the door open to the family bathroom and walk in. I don't say a word I just hold her as she cries. I wish I could just make her pain go away. I feel my chest start to get wet through my hoodie. "Oh princess I'm so sorry. It's gonna be okay, I promise." I said smoothing down her hair.

"I don't think I want to keep it." She said into my chest. "Then we won't. Do you wanna go to plan parenthood now?" I ask leaning back to look at her. Tears keep rolling down her face. Her eyes look so beautiful when she cries.

"Yeah." She whispers. I grab her hand and we walk out to the table I threw away our food because I don't think she's gonna wanna eat.

"Do you wanna tell anyone?" I ask breaking the silence of the car ride. "We souls probably tell Sam, and maybe Kat." She says staring blankly out the window. "You can't avoid the emotions forever my love." I said grabbing her hand. "I know." She sighs out.

"I don't think I wanna tell Kat. It's not that I don't trust her, I just don't really want anyone to know but Sam. He has to know though, we spend too much time together." Issy said as we pulled into the driveway. "Whatever you want love" I said getting out of the car and walking around to open the door.

As we walk in the door we see everyone in the living room. Sam looks over at us and yells to everyone "they're here guys they're alive!". He runs over to us giving us both a huge hug. "What the hell?!" He yells out pushing me back wards a little bit. "What? What did I do?" I ask confused.

"You scared the shit out of us! You said that you would be home for an hour and it's been 4! We've been texting and calling you both for hours!" He yells. I've been friends with him for years and he rarely cries, but there's tear marks running down his face.

"Where were you guys?" Kat asks. I look over at Issy waiting for her to respond letting her say whatever she wants. "That's a long story." She says looking around. "Well please do tell. You were gone for hours and we were all panicking, I think we're owed an explanation. Don't you?!" Jake yells.

"Back off dude. If she doesn't want to explain she doesn't have to." I said still holding Issy's hand. "Whatever. Don't tell us we were just worried." Jake says clearly pissed walking back over to the couch.

Authors note: I honestly feel so bad because I feel like I'm just killing this book with inactivity. But it still love it so I'll keep updating even is it's slow. Anyways, love yall 💜!
Word count: 841 words

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