Chapter. 18 Pissing Off the Internet

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Issy POV

So we gave all of our friends permission to make post about us or of us and not hide our relationship because we already announced it to the world and the dust has had time to settle. Both Colby and Kat decided to turn the comments off on theirs posts to but I didn't. I wanted to see the worst the internet could give me.

There were quite a few hate comments that just got deleted, blocked, and ignored. It was Christmas Eve eve is so we decided that we were gonna go out to get any last minute shopping done and buy stuff to make cookies. I decided that I was going to vlog and call it "The perfect boyfriend" I know for a fact this is going to piss people off but I don't care. I honestly can't wait for their reactions.

I have footage from everything we've done for the e past couple of months. After we got all of the stuff and got home and made the cookies (of course we made a mess, but yes we cleaned it up) we decided that we were gonna camp outside. We all set up our stuff while still vlogging after everything was set if we started a fire in the fire pit and me, sam, Colby, and kat all started editing our footage form the previous days.

After I finished editing I walked over to Colby to sit on his lap. "Cole Jack." I said standing in front of him reaching my arms out. He moved his laptop and I sat down on his lap facing him. I closed out his laptop and so did Sam, deciding that they were done editing for the night. Everyone started talking while me and Colby just sat there him occasionally inputting in the conversation. "Goodnight love you pretty girl." Colby whispered kissing my temple.

"Goodnight love you pretty boy." I mumbled placing a kiss on his neck and drifting off to sleep.

Issy_porter post on Instagram!

Liked by: Colby Brock, Sam Golbach, Katrina Stuart, and 586,096 moreIssabella_porter: good morning beautiful sky 💜

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Liked by: Colby Brock, Sam Golbach, Katrina Stuart, and 586,096 more
Issabella_porter: good morning beautiful sky 💜

Sam Golbach: how early did you guys wake up to watch this?

Issabella_porter: Sam Golbach 4:30 but it was so worth it because of how pretty it was

Colby Brock: it could never be as pretty as you though 💜🖤

Issabella_porter: Colby Brock your too sweet to me pretty boy 😍

Fan_123: I live, laugh, love Issabell and Colby's relationship

Hater_789: that sky is so much prettier than you could ever be. Pig.

Me and Colby woke up ridiculously early to watch the sunrise but it was so worth it because it was so pretty. I posted a photo of the sky on my Instagram and left the comments on, like I do with all my posts. I looked at the comments and I saw a few bad ones. They were mostly about my appearance, which admittedly hurt a little because I've been struggling with that a lot lately.

Colby Brock post on Instagram!

Colby Brock post on Instagram!

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