Chapter 15. The Girls

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Issy POV

"Hey Mable!" I say as she picks up the phone. "What's up babes?" She asks. "I wana go on a quadruple date with all our boyfriends." I said forgetting that I haven't told her yet. "BOYFRIENDS?!! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?! WHO? SINCE WHEN? WHAT THE FUCK?!" She yelled all the questions. "I'll explain everything when we get there. So... I was thinking we meet at 2:30 at our favorite Avenue 209?" I asked as I'm texting the group chat, about it.

"ABSOLUTELY! I'll see you and mystery man at 2:30! Bye love you!" She said. "Bye love you too!" I said dropping the phone from my ear and hanging up. "Hey baby guess what?" I asked as he walked out of the bathroom.

"We're going to coffee with my best friends and their boyfriends." I said walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Oh yeah? Says who?" Colby asks placing his hands on my hips and pulling me closer. "I said." I mumbled placing a kiss on his lips.

He started walking forward, forcing me to back up. Suddenly my back hit the wall and his lips were pressed against mine.

"What are you to doing, in there?" Colby's brother asks opening the door after knocking twice (nobody told him he could come in). "Horny bastards" gage laughs. "How do you think mom would feel if she saw you two against a wall?" Gage asks walking in. "How do you think mom would feel about you smoking weed in her basement, instead of the porch like you promised?" Colby asks.

"Fine nobody snitches." Gage says turning on his heel and walking out. "As we were..." Colby says backing me against the wall again. "I have to start getting ready at 1:00~" I moaned as he started sucking a hickey onto my neck. "Okay we have 45:00 minutes." He says, picking me up by my ass.

He carries me over to the bed, gently throwing me down. "You know you were very bed yesterday." Colby whispers in my ear. "A naughty girl." He says. "Go make sure your door is locked." I said remembering what happens when we don't. Colby gets up walks over and locks the door.

"And you're wet, all I've done is tease and you're already soaked." He says running his fingers through my folds. I squirmed in his grasp as he has my hand held above my head by my wrists. "I think I need to tie you up." He says walking to his bag and grabbing rope. "You're calling me bad when you brought rope home for the holidays?" I question as he walks back to the bed.

"Yes, because I knew that you were gonna be bad." He said as he tied my hands above my head. He pulls my shorts and panties down, and started pumping twos fingers in and out of me. "Oh my god" I moaned trying to keep myself as quiet as possible. "What was that?!" I hear Colby's mom yell from down the hall.

We then hear footsteps. "Shit untie me" I whispered. Colby quickly untied my hands and I'm able to run into his bathroom with my shorts before she can walk in and catch us. "What I think was going on in here, better not have been." I hear her from behind the bathroom door.

"It wasn't I promise mom." Colby says back. "Good now I heard you have a date so you better wear something nice, that girl has nice friends. Don't mess it up for yourself." She says as she's walking out. "I won't I promise mom." He says. "And don't let me catch you again, I mean it." She says shutting the door behind her.

"I can't believe you almost got us caught." He said opening the door as I turn on the shower realizing I should just start getting ready early. "Not my fault your hands are magic?" I say shrugging and stepping into the shower.

2 hours later
Issy POV

"Almost ready baby?" I ask walking out of the bathroom. "Yea- you look stunning." He says walking over to me and setting his hands on my hips. "Alright let's go." I said grabbing his hand and walking out.

We reach avenue 209 and Olivia and her boyfriend Sage are already sitting at our table. "ISSYYYYYY!!!! COLBY?" Liv yells as she sees us. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH LIV!" I yelled running towards are and giving her a hug. "You two finally got together? We knew this would happen. Trixy owes me 100 bucks." She says pulling away and walking back to our spot.

"You were all betting on my relationship status werent  you?" I said offended. "Nooo..." Liv said pulling me to sit down next to her. Next thing we know in walks Trixy. "TRIXY!!" I yelled running toward her. "ISSABELL!!" She yelled meeting me in the middle and hugging me. "I missed you so much, hi Danny" I said walking over and waving at him.

"Hi Issy" he says as we walk over. Lastly, I see Mable walk through the door. "MAYYY!!" I yelled running over to her, and hugging her. A single tear rolls down my cheek because it feels so good to hug her again. "Issy I missed you so much." She mumbles into my head.

"The girls are finally back together." Colby says walking over to his seat a crossed from mine.

3 hours later
Colby POV

We're finally leaving from avenue 209. Trixy, Liv, and their boyfriends left after two hours so it was just me, Gabe, Issy, and Mable. We sat there just talking for hours. I only ever met Mable at parties that Issy had but she was always nice.

I think that all of the girls were shocked that we finally got together. The joke was that we would always end up together, but I don't think anybody actually thought that we would date. Everyone always knew that Issy had feelings for me, and I think I had secret feelings for her too.

Either way I'm really happy that we are finally together. "Issy?" I said my hand setting on her thigh. "Whaty?" She asked a little concern showing on her face. "How did I get so lucky to have to have you as my girlfriend?" I ask looking over at her face contort from confused to happiness. "I don't know. How did I get so lucky?" She said back taking my hand hers.

"I don't know. You know what?" I said looking back at the road and making the turn past my house. "What? Where are we going?" She asks. "We're going to the warehouse to watch the stars, just like we used to." I said driving to the warehouse.

"I'm wearing heals baby, can we stop home so I can grab different shoes please?" She asks. "And comfier clothes." She adds on. "We'll stop home and grab stuff then we can change at the warehouse." I sailing turning back down my street. "But that walk is so long." She says.

"I'll carry you on my back and you can carry the backpack." I said pulling into the driveway. "Okay." Issy says getting out and running into the house to grab us both clothes, and shoes...

Authors note: I feel like this chapter is two long so I'm gonna make a part two. It's not gonna be called part two but I need to stretch this out, so that I have more ready to post. Love yall💜!
Word count: 1267 words

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