Chapter 16. The Fight

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Colby POV

How earth did I manage to do this? She's in the passenger seat of my car crying. I just screamed at her. How could I do this to someone so important to me. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"I'm so sorry" I said quietly looking at Issy and grabbing her hand. "It's okay I was being a bitch." She whispered squeezing my hand. "No you weren't I just lost my temper and that's not okay. I'm so sorry." I said kissing her hand twice.

"It's okay I can never stay mad at you, I love you" she said leaning over the center counsel to put her head on my shoulder. "I love you too baby" I said kissing the top of her head and pulling into the driveway.

"What happened!?" My mom asks as we walk in the door and she sees Issy's tear stained face. "We got in an argument and I yelled at her, we're fine, I've already apologized a million times, please don't kill me." I said kissing issy head in between each statement, making her giggle.

"I'm gonna hit you if you don't get your ass up those stairs right now." My mom said looking at me with the face I knew all too well. "Let's go princess!" I yelled scooping her up bridal styling and running up the stairs.

"Aaaaaha!" Issy giggled as I ran up to my room with her. "I wana take a nap." She said blankly. "Alright then, let's nap." I said lying down on my bed with her in my arms. We fought cause she purged. She thought I wouldn't notice and I did, I got upset because she promised that she wouldn't have an ED anymore.

She's barely eaten and I can feel her ribs. She's getting sick and when we go out in the cold her entire body shakes because there's no meat on her bones to warm her up. We didn't get anywhere. All we did was yell over and at each other. I think I'm gonna have a family meeting and force her to confront it.

The Family Group
Colby: we need a family meeting I know we just have one but we need another one

Sam: is it Issy again?

Father Brock: your mom told me you to fight, this better not be what I think it is

Colby: it's not dad I promise
Colby: it's about what we talked about on the plane Sam

Sam: alright be there in five minutes
Sam: I'm bringing everyone with me

Mother Golbach: can someone explain what is happening? Please? I'm just really confused!

Colby: I'll explain everything when you get here momma Golbach.

I've been calling her that ever since sophomore year when the three of us were just starting to get inseparable. She really is like a second mom to me and a better mom to Issy. Sam calls my mom momma Brock too and Issy just calls them momma g and momma b. We never really saw her parents so we never got close enough for "momma Porter" to be a thing.

"We're here!" I hear Sam yell from downstairs. Issy is still asleep on my chest. I carry her downstairs where everyone is sitting. "So you guys are all aware that Issy used to have a terrible eating disorder when we were in high school right?" I ask sitting on the couch still holding Issy.

They all nod their heads. "Well her ed is back and worse than ever. We had an entire fight about it on the way home and I confronted her about it." I stopped to take a shaky breath. "She denied having an eating disorder, but she hasn't eaten food in three days. She only been chewing gum and she loosing weight by the day." A tear rolled down my cheek just from me thinking about it again.

"I can't confront her about this alone, but she needs to eat." I said looking around the room for the first time. Everyone except Sam's dad had tears rolling down their cheeks and even his eyes are watering. "Yeah I noticed but I didn't want to say anything and be wrong about it." Gage said finally breaking the family's silence.

"Alright well I bought her favorite "healthy" snacks on the way over so she has something to eat." Sam said holding up the bag that was in his hand. "Oh no... did she relapse again... is that what the fight earlier was about?" My mom asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Yes mom, to both questions unfortunately." I said darting to play with Issy's hair in hopes to wake her up. "Goodmorning princess." I whispered as she started waking up. "Why is everyone here? Are we having a family meeting?" She asked finally sitting up from my chest and climbing off my lap.

"Sorta... it's also kind of an intervention." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Oh for who?" She asked still confused. I was hoping she would figure out that it was for her so h wallet have to tell her. "For you darling... for your eating disorder." Her face dropped and her eyes immediately welled up with tears.

"We're not gonna fight or yell again don't worry my love" I said. "Are you mad at me?" She asked so quietly only I could hear it. "No baby... I just want you to get better and so does everyone else." I responded hugging her to try to contain her sobs.

"I brought you your favorite snacks, and a drink." Sam spoke up handing her the bag. She took it and looked inside a little smile coming to her face for the first time since she woke up. "Thank you Sammy." She said hugging him.

"Thank you to all of you for caring so much about me even though I'm a littler difficult and stubborn. I'm not gonna deny anything because you gush are all around me to much the you know when I'm lying and what I do." She said pulling away from Sam but still standing. She looked around the room and locked eyes with my mom.

My mom struggled with them same issues when she was ok high school (when Issy issues started) and she helped Issy through it when she was in high school. My mom was crying full on sobbing in my dad's arms. Issy ran over to her giving her a hug. She stood up holding onto Issy for dear life like she could slip away at any moment.

"I'm so sorry that you feel this was baby, nobody should ever have to go through ANYTHING like that. I know that your mom might not be there for you but I am, always and forever." My mom said rocking back and forth with Issy finally letting her go at the end. My mom had always told Issy that she loved her always and forever. She never forgot the always and forever.

"I love you too momma b. Always and forever." She said as one last tear rolled down her cheek. "Do you guys wanna have a movie night, everyone can sleep here we give the parents the couches and the kids take the floor?" I asked looking around to see everyone's opinions. "HELL YEAH!!" Ben yelled to my idea. I got different versions of yeah from the whole group and went to go get blankets the air mattress from the upstairs closet.

Everyone ended up getting drunk and falling asleep on the living room floor. The parents went upstairs around 9:30 after that we started drinking. Some of us woke up with headaches the next morning but it was all worth it to be able to spend all that time and together, and create new, good memories.

Authors note: HELLO YALL I'm so sorry for being absent for so long! I've been very busy with personal stuff. For anyone wondering, no I have not bagged that man yet but I'm working on it. I've been very busy with work and family but I should be back to writing and updating on a semi normal schedule. Thank you so much for all of your patience. To all my other seasonal depression peeps take care of yourselves you are loved and drink water. Love yall 💜!!!!
Word count: 1,401 words

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