Chapter 10. Trouble

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Issy POV

I know I'm in trouble now. He's pissed. I know it. As soon as we walk in the door he closes it and slams me against it, pinning me with my hands above my head by my wrists. "You dirty little slut." He leans down and whispers into my neck, as he starts to leave a hickey. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking I know I was bad." I say hoping that he'll have some sort of mercy on me. "Oh I know you're not sorry, you knew what you were doing and you were excited to do it, but don't worry you won't be thinking here in a couple seconds."

Before I know what's happening, Colby picks me up roughly gripping my ass. He carried me over to the bed throwing my down on his bed. "You know I shouldn't even fuck you because that's exactly what you want." He said in almost a growl into my ear. He slipped his hand down in my panties and ran his finger through my folds. "You know what I'm not gonna. I'll solve my problem my self." He says walking away into the bathroom locking the door behind him.

"No please... I'm sorry, please!" I said almost yelling up against the bathroom door. "Nope, I'm not rewarding bad behavior." He groaned. "God damn it." I whispered under my breath. "You're out here sooner than I thought you'd be, and you only seem to have a hickey and a tomato blush." Sam said sounding extremely confused. "Yeah he decided that I didn't deserve it because "he wasn't rewarding my bad behavior" little bitch." I said the last part under my breath.

"You'd better hope I don't snitch on you for that, he'll kill you." He said the stupidest smirk on his face. "I don't think you would but I don't wanna chance it." I said walking to my room and locking the door to avoid Colby when he comes out of his room to find me eventually.

Colby POV

"Where is she?" I said angrily. "I'm gonna kill." I said in almost a whisper. "She went in her room and locked you door. Before she did she called you a little bitch though." Sam said answering my question and providing me with even more reason to wana kill her. "God damn it." I said.

It's been 2 hours I'm not even angry anymore I just want her to come out of her room so I can have cuddles and kisses. I text her asking her to come out.

Colby: darling please come out I just want cuddles

My love: you promise you're not mad at me

Colby: no baby I'm not mad

Colby: if I was mad I would tell you I promise I'm not

My love: my doors unlocked

I walk to Issy's room, I slowly open the door and find her cuddled up with a stuffed animal that I won for her when we were in high school. I take a picture because I think it's adorable. After taking my picture of walk over and turn her over. I see her eyes are puffy from crying. I pick her up and ask her "what's wrong baby? Are you okay?" "Yeah I just thought you were mad at me." She sniffles. "No darling. I would never be mad at you for something like that." I said holding her and rocking her back and forth. "I'm sorry." She mumbled into my shoulder. "It's okay my love, I'm not mad at you I promise." I said into the top of her head giving her a kiss on the top of the head.

"How about... we do a competition?" I said still rocking her back and forth. "I don't know, what is it?" She asked with tiredness in her voice. "We get 15 minutes to give the other person a hickies. Sam judges who did better." I said picking her up more, and squeezing her ass. "Bet." She said trying to get out of my grasp.

"I wana go first." I mumbled into her neck about to start working on a fresh bruise. "We need the timer." She whispered barely able to speak already. "Okay, okay I got a timer you happy." I said both sitting down on the bed with her in my lap, and holding up my phone. "Okay go." She said giggling.

It's been 30 minutes and we're finally done. Now we have to ask Sam his opinion I can tell that her hickies are very dark because they won't be leaving for AT LEAST a week.

"SAM! SAM!" I yelled walking into his room. "Damn using each other as canvasses I see." He said his eyes going wide. "Yeah we're competing. Who did better?" I said displaying my neck while Issy displays hers.

"I think the ones on Issy's neck are darker sorry Iss you lost this one." He said. "God damn it!" She yelled. Jumping into my arms. "It's alright baby I'm just better at hickies than you, and that's okay." I said holding her up by her ass and giving her a kiss on each and every beautiful mark I gave her.

"Thank you guys so much for watching, I knew that she would like the kittens but she hasn't stopped playing with them and it's been weeks. I even went on a trip and she was here with them and she's absolutely in love with them. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and go watch this week's prank video so that I can win the war. Peace!" I finally finished the video and edited everything together I decided to not put the I love yous and the kids, but not me picking her up and squeezing her ass. We're starting to drop hints so that they can figure it out soon, because it's hard hiding it.

Authors note: This chapter is the continuation of a cliff hanger which I love to do so... keep that in mind. Anyways love yall 💜!
Word count: 1008 words

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