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Yoriichi pov

It's been 3 days since I last saw my brother. To tell the truth, I've been worried. Worried for him mainly. 3 days in the woods with demons is bad, but without food or water he will die soon.

I have been sending prayers, letters and luck on his side. I hope it's reached him.

I was writing on a piece of parchment. It was a letter to him. The 5th one I've written.

As I finished the last stroke, a knock on my door was heard. I put down the brush and turned my head around.

"Enter" I said.

The sliding door opened. There revealed Tamayo.

She's been staying with me and my wife while she finds a place to live. After she broke muzans curse, she's been lost, as if she has no mind to controll her. It's understandable, considering her minds been tampered with and brainwashed by that man.

"What do you need, Tamayo~san?" I asked, turning my body.

She took a breath and knelt down Infront of me. The sun was setting casting a soft glow over the room. She made sure to avoid it.

"I have news on Michikatsu." She said, wearily.

She was afraid of me. It's understandable after she saw what I did to Muzan.

I made sure to controll myself and not ask questions a million miles a minuate.

"Where?" Is all I simply hummed.

"A kasugi crow returned. With a letter" She replied, taking said letter out of her kimono.

She handed it to me. I opened it and read the letters contence.

I apologise for my outburst. I have no explanation to tell you expect it was jealousy.

Jealousy towards you. Something I can't live down.

I would return today, exept your stupid crow flew off and I don't know where I am.

Please find me


My eyes widened with every sentence.

"Tamayo~san.." I started.

"Yes, tsugikuni~kun?" She replied hastily.

"At moonrise, we leave to find my brother. You will be coming with me" I said and stood up.

I placed the letter in a drawer and left the room, she left right after me.

I headed down he corridor, words swamped my head.

Michikatsu was alive.

He is lost.

He's alive.



It repeated on loop. It was annoying so I just shook my head, breaking the thought chain.

I reached my wife's room and knocked gently.

"Come in" she hummed.

I pushed open the door to the side. I walked in, closing it behind me.

My wife, Uta, was laying on the bed. She placed a book down.

She was pregnant with our baby girl. Unnamed as of yet.

"What do you need love?" She asked, bubbly as usual.

"I have a lead on my brother. Tamayo and myself will be heading to his location shortly. I just wanted to tell you in person instead of notes." I replied, giving her a quick kiss.

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