Chapter 6: New Plan

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It was finally night time. 

The demon twins went outside. "I got leads in a certain village. We should disguise ourselves as humans." Kokushibo instructed Yoriichi. Kokushibo and Yoriichi have a lot of Muzan's blood so they were capable to change their form. They disguised to their old human selves.

"There is a demon haunting this village. and a few slayers were sent there. They are here to finish off the demon who is responsible for humans going missing. Our task is to get information out of them when we find them and then kill them." Kokushibo explained his plan.

The twins continued to march on until they heard yelling "Hey! I have questions for you mister please wait!" It was a slayer, Kokushibo turned around "Was there anything suspicious around this village? do you know anything about people going missing?" The slayer wanted to ask questions. Kokushibo had to make up a lie. "No. We just entered the village after awhile. judging by your uniform and swords.. you must be a demon slayer." 

"Yeah. We are here to help. there is a demon taking people one by one at night. So please be careful. we'll report to tell it safe to explore again once the demon is taken down." The slayer bid farewell to the twins and left to join the other slayers to share informations.

"Aniue I have an idea.." Yoriichi approached closely to Kokushibo "We can ask them where the demon slayer Corp is.. we'll pretend we want to join.. then we can destroy their hide out." Yoriichi whispered on Kokushibo's ear. "Good idea Yoriichi. Now it even more easier to find Ubuyashiki." 

The twins went too look for the slayers until they found a few of them.. laying dead on the ground bleeding. "Damn. That was our chance.. and now they are gone. Let just hunt some humans for us to eat." Kokushibo then went back to his demon form, Yoriichi did the same. Kokushibo used his powerful move to entirely obliterate the village. The village was small so there was enough for both Yoriichi and Kokushibo to feast.

"That was an awesome move aniue! you killed everyone inside in a single blow." Yoriichi is amazed. The two then began to feast on the dead corpses. The demon who was reisiding in also joined in and decided to leave to go hunt another village.

The twins went to look around in the woods. expecting this is where they would find Ubuyashiki. after hours of search.. no luck. "Yoriichi. It daybreak, we must go back." Kokushibo signaled Nakime to teleport him and Yoriichi.

Back to the Infinity Castle. 

Muzan called both Upper Moon Ones. 

Kokushibo and Yoriichi both knelt down. "I see you two got along. I'm happy Yoriichi got his wish come true." Muzan chuckled. But there is something wrong with Yoriichi that only Kokushibo noticed. His brother is not behaving the same as his human self. Kokushibo does remember his past but Yoriichi does not.

"Any news on Ubuyashiki, Kokushibo?" Muzan then looked at Kokushibo.

"No luck. No trace for the Blue Spider Lily either." Kokushibo knew Muzan would be angered. "For centuries.. CENTURIES. still can't find that damn Blue Spider Lily! I had high hopes for you Kokushibo since you are one of the strongest. How dissapointing." Muzan then dismissed Kokushibo.  

Yoriichi then stepped in. "You have no right to yell at Michikatsu like that." Yoriichi had his horrifying menacing face. It scared Muzan as he is reminded the days where he was owned by a mere human with inhuman strength. "Alright fine I take it back." Muzan knew he wouldn't convince Yoriichi this time.

Kokushibo was in shock. How did Muzan easily let that slide right after when Yoriichi tried to threaten him? Yoriichi sat beside Kokushibo wraping him in a hug. 

"Kokushibo. there is some paper works I need you to do while I'm off to do something else. Make sure to finish it before it night time." Muzan then left. He had to continue study and do some experiments with his newly bought chemicals.

"At least something to pass time until it night again." Kokushibo stood up but Yoriichi still clinged onto him. "Yoriichi.. get off me." Kokushibo couldn't walk properly as Yoriichi was forcing him to sit again. "I need to do paper works.. I'll be back okay?" Kokushibo knew Yoriichi wouldn't let go so he had to do this in a reassuring way.

"No. I'm coming with you. I'm tired of being lonely." everything about Yoriichi just quickly changed.

Hours have passed. Yoriichi was truly patient as he watches Kokushibo writing and signing the papers and also reply to messages. "So what with all those papers?" Yoriichi questioned. "Muzan disguise himself among the humans. Whenever he disguise as a human who has a job he must at least need money to pay for some items that seemed helpful for his research or to pay taxes to avoid suspicions." Kokushibo explained. 

Kokushibo finally finished and began to relax. Yoriichi can finally sit next to his brother again. A few minute has passed until Muzan entered the room. He took the paper, examined them and took a look again in case of anything missing. "Great work. I will head out now." Muzan left.

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