Chapter 5: Brother Reunion

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Weeks has passed as Yoriichi continued to eat more humans. He is starting to grow stronger. He is now able to fight with his sword to use breaths.

It was night time and Yoriichi was roaming in the woods until he met Muzan once again. Yoriichi quickly knelt down. "I have created the twelve kizuki where stronger demons can get their ranked position.. You have shown so much potential. I even witnessed you easily crushing those hashiras." Muzan was amazed. "I want to keep you hidden for awhile. You will be Upper Moon One." Yoriichi nodded as he got up. "Yes master.." He felt something painful in his eyes as it began to deform a number on the pupil. "Upper One" in kanji.

Centuries has passed. It been four hundred years now. Now Muzan ended up creating a demon who is capable of creating dimensions. The Infinity Castle. An endless fortress with no physics or gravity. Where even sunlight can never hit.

Muzan decided to call Upper Moon One, Kokushibo.

He quickly teleported to Muzan's destination and knelt down. "You called?". Muzan chuckled "I have a suprise for you Kokushibo." Kokushibo was curious. What is it that Muzan want to show him? this has never happened for centuries. Muzan then snapped his finger summoning another demon. The demon teleported as well and knelt down. What Kokushibo saw.. shocked him.

"What is the meaning of this master..?" Kokushibo questioned. The demon who stood in front of him was.. Yoriichi.. his younger twin brother. "He was very desperate to see you. He really hesitated at my offer. All it took was to say your name and thats enough to convince him." Muzan smirked. 

Yoriichi turned around and saw the other demon. It was so familiar that he barely remembers. Until he realized. "Michi..katsu? Michikatsu..! Aniue!" Yoriichi finally remembered his brother. "I missed you so much! it been four hundred years after all Michikatsu." Yoriichi gave a menacing smirk at the end. "What in the world? what did you do?! why is he alive?!" Kokushibo was ticked off. "He was strong. That would be a waste if I let him die. Plus you're the main reason why he want to become a demon." Muzan explained.

"And why is he Upper Moon One?! are you.. replacing me..?" Kokushibo's feeling of jealousy and hatred started to grow even more. "Of course not. Since you two are brothers. You will share the position with each other. Just like Gyutaro and Daki." Muzan knew Kokushibo will be ticked off. He took a good time diving into Kokushibo's memories while he was unconscious. 

"How come you didn't tell me four hundred years ago..?" Kokushibo is still confused. "He was important. Since humans are keen into meddling our works and sharing information they are starting to get smarter to think of a counter. I had to make sure Yoriichi was hidden so no one can figure him out." Muzan knows the Ubuyashiki family will do anything to take him down. They are starting to even craft wisteria traps just for him.

"Aniue is so strong.. I wanna be strong after you." Kokushibo remembered those words that came out from Yoriichi. How ironic, it was Kokushibo being strong after Yoriichi. "Now that the family reunion is over. You can now enjoy spending with your brother who willingly sacrificed his mortal body for you." Muzan signaled Nakime to teleport him away. A biwa sound was heard and Muzan dissapeared.

Kokushibo is still suprised. Why does the person he hated the most do all of this.. for him? He even chose to become a demon to see him. Yoriichi approached Kokushibo. "Not a step close Yoriichi." Kokushibo was angry. "But aniue.." Yoriichi was saddened "Don't aniue me."

"Why are you angry at me..? talk to me please.." Yoriichi gotten saddened. Kokushibo never seen Yoriichi being upset.. His brother can barely express emotions he is getting very confused. The last time he saw his brother was four hundred sixty years ago. Yoriichi pulled out a tiny blanket that belonged to his dead wife. He used it to wrap the flute his brother made for him.

"It your flute aniue.. I kept it for centuries and took care of it.. thanks to it.. I don't feel anymore lonely. Because I think of this flute.. as you aniue." Yoriichi gently examined the flute trying to see any scratches since it been centuries since he kept it. He wanted to keep it clean and fixed.

"I don't understand.. what do you see this flute Yoriichi? It can't even make good notes." Kokushibo spoke. "It because it from someone important to me.. you're important to me aniue.. I can't imagine living in a world without you by my side." Yoriichi responded.

Yoriichi's words really touched Kokushibo. Kokushibo always see Gyutaro and Daki laughing, playing together because they were siblings. siblings are meant to love each other.. no matter what. Even after everything Kokushibo has done, that even his hashira comrades went against him. Yoriichi still always love him.

"I'll leave if that what you want brother. I don't blame you for being angry at me.." Yoriichi was going to leave until he felt something held his hand. "Let leave together.." Kokushibo is suddenly realizing that hes been too harsh towards his younger twin. 

Both of them walked together and went to relax in a room. It was daytime so there is nothing they can do. "I heard you have a different task. What did Muzan asign you?" Yoriichi was curious. "My task is to find Ubuyashiki's hideout. That man is truly intelligent at concealing himself. But that doesn't mean I won't search for the Blue Spider Lily." Kokushibo explained. "Let me help you aniue.. we are Upper Moon One after all." Yoriichi feeling happy to help his older twin.

"Fine. Wait until it night time okay?" 

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