Chapter 3: Defeat.. Final Hope

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Muzan knew if he makes a wrong move he will be beheaded like last time. Instead of going straight to the kill. He decided to make some self defense until he manage to see an opening.

Suprisingly, Yoriichi's speed and strength was the same as his prime. Muzan thought if Yoriichi grew older, he would get weaker. But how wrong he was. He is dealing an angry nemesis of his who will definitly obliterate him.

Muzan continued to stretch his arms and endlessly throwing them to slice Yoriichi. Yoriichi's sword was black at the moment so his limbs can regenerate after being sliced down. Yoriichi started to remember his wife and his brother's smile as he felt hurt at the same time being unable to protect them. He put his will to the sword, full of determination that this time he will not fail. His sword turned bright red and is ready to do his final blow.

The battle continued for a few minutes until Yoriichi managed to kick down Muzan to the floor, cutting his limbs. His sword shine red like last time which made Muzan unable to regenerate his limbs.

"Guh..! Whenever his sword manages to hit me my body grow stiff..!" thought Muzan. He is the strongest demon so it only takes a short time for Muzan to be able to regenerate again after being hit by a red blade.

"The suffering you're going to bring to people minding their business end here Kibutsuji." Yoriichi was going to slay Muzan until he felt sudden pain in his chest. He began to cough.

Muzan grew suprised. as he stared at Yoriichi coughing a lot. He started to smirk menacingly.

Yoriichi coughed so much. The running and slashing was too much for him. He may be a strong swordsman but his body gotten weak. If he continues.. he may risk dying.. 

Muzan managed to regenerate his limbs as he kicked Yoriichi away. "Would you look at that. Guess your time has come huh?" Muzan feels joyful that he get to watch his nemesis die right in front of him. Yoriichi knew if he pushed any further he will end up dead. He need to catch a quick breath until he can fight again.

"Hey, since you're dying of old age. I have an offer for you." Muzan had a maniac smile on.

"What do you want." Yoriichi is still kneeling as he is trying to endure the pain of his chest. "Become a demon." Muzan raised his hand.

"I refuse.. I prefer to die human.." Yoriichi is struggling to stand up. "What a waste. think about it.. If you become a demon you will look younger again, and live eternally!" Muzan continues to try to convince Yoriichi.

"I said I refuse! I will not be your puppet!" Yoriichi yelled and started to cough again. "What a shame... You chose to die instead of seeing your brother again? Your beloved brother still never forgave you huhu.." Muzan began to laugh.

"He is right.. I never got to apologize Michikatsu.. You had to suffer in this monstrous form because of me.. You had to endure everything because of me.. If I was there sooner I would've found a way.. to end your suffering so you can rest easy.." Yoriichi began to cry.

As Muzan was gonna walk away. 



"I accept.. I want.. to see Michikatsu again.." Yoriichi was in defeat, his old body cannot support him anymore. Muzan then smirked maniacly. "Perfect.. perfect! you made the right choice.. I assure you. You and your brother will never be seperated ever again. You will be together for eternity." Muzan approached Yoriichi. 

Yoriichi knows he will regret this but.. he couldn't take it anymore.. Michikatsu have gone through so much because of him. His father abused his twin for interacting with him.. and Yoriichi couldn't do anything about it.. he wasn't there to save Michikatsu from becoming a demon either. Yoriichi still holds the huge guilt. "If I can't stop this man from killing poor innocents who is in desperate need of help.. or save my wife from getting killed.. or save my brother from becoming something sinister.. then what can I do..? what can I achieve..? Was I.. born to be a failure?" That was the last thing Yoriichi thought..

Until he felt two fingers being planted on his neck. Muzan had many plans now. "With the stronger under my command.. no slayers will stand a chance or get in my way." Muzan chuckled.

Yoriichi started getting unconscious. He feels.. so much blood being injected to his body.

"It took 3 days for Kokushibo to completely become a demon.. how much will he take?" thought Muzan. He retreated his fingers and walked away. Leaving Yoriichi unconscious.

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