Chapter 9: Upper Moon Meeting

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A few days have passed. Suddenly Kokushibo and Yoriichi was summoned. Nakime knew about Yoriichi's existence since Muzan recently informed her. She didn't expect there would be another Upper Moon One. Kokushibo went to relax in a room, Yoriichi followed.

Upper Moon Three was summoned. He looked around only to be met with Upper Moon Five and Upper Moon Four. But one thing he wanted to know about the most was "Hey where is Upper Moon One? Don't tell me hes the one who got killed." Akaza had a stiffed look. When Yoriichi heard this he felt irritated. Kokushibo grabbed Yoriichi "No need. Just stay." Yoriichi pretty much listens to everything what Kokushibo says.

Suddenly, all lights went off. Upper Moon Two was summoned. He laid his hand on Upper Moon Three as if they were best buddies. "You didn't tell me you had friends aniue. You never introduced me to them." Yoriichi feeling delighted. "They are not my friends. The Upper Moon Three is Akaza, as for Two he is Douma. Four is Hantengu, and Five is Gyokko. If all of us are here then we are summoned to the Upper Moon meeting."

"Upper Moon Ones were summoned here first." The biwa woman, Nakime. answered Akaza's question. Akaza then realized "Did she just say.. Upper One with an s..? there is another?" Akaza then snapped back thinking he must have misheard it. But he quickly turned around in shock realizing that Upper Moon One was alive all along. "I was here all along. It seems master Muzan has arrived."

On the ceiling, it was Muzan upside down with his desk full of chemicals. "Gyutaro is no longer with us. If he fought alone he would've win the battle right at the start. It seemed that Daki was his weakness." Muzan was very dissapointed.

Douma then started spatting things about wanting to repay his doing. He was the one who brought Gyutaro and Daki in and can't hold onto the embarassement. He asked if he should gauge his eyes out. "I don't need your filthy eyes." Muzan responded.

Muzan then gotten more angrier. He suddenly slamed his desk and let out a powerful force. "Why can't you find it? for centuries.. why can't any of you find that damn blue spider lily?" this powerful force was too strong that the chemicals began to break. Now Muzan has to buy a new ones.

"I have no excuses to make. Ubuyashiki is incredibly good at concealing himself." Kokushibo spoke.

"Forgive us! please forgive us!" Hantengu pleaded in fear.

The rest of the Upper Moons remained silent.

Gyokko then spoke. Saying that he has an idea. It ticked Muzan a bit but decided to give him a chance. in order to confirm this information. Gyokko's head was dropped on the floor.

Muzan asigned both Gyokko and Hantengu to work together. Douma then grabbed Gyokko's head asking where did he receive the leads from. He wanted to tag along. Then all of a sudden, half of his face got squashed by Akaza. This where Kokushibo now had enough.

"Muzan did not give you orders." Akaza spoke while his hand was full of blood.

In a blink of an eye, Akaza's hand was sliced. Kokushibo's speed was a whole another dimension. "Don't be too hard on him lord Kokushibo! we shouldn't treat our subordinates this way." Douma spoke. "I'm not saying this for your sake. But the hierarchy that he disrupts, upsets me." Kokushibo replied. "Ahhh.! I see now!" Douma responded. He definetely didn't get it.

Douma started talking about Akaza being too weak to defeat Douma and Kokushibo for their position. Kokushibo then had enough of Douma and went straight to the point. "Akaza." Akaza can feel the pressure. It irritates him a lot. "Do you understand.. what I said?" Kokushibo's face was emotionless.

"I understand. I will kill you." Akaza is determined to be able to defeat Kokushibo one day for his rank. "You sure got some guts. You have my full support!" Yoriichi appeared on the back. All of the Upper Moons got shocked as they stared at Yoriichi. "Who are you?" Akaza questioned. Douma noticed Yoriichi's eyes and it suprised him "There was another Upper Moon One? no.. two upper moon ones?!" When Akaza heard this he was full of confusion. Gyokko also gotten confused and took a quick look at Yoriichi. He is a fan of arts and want some ideas after all.

"Brother I think the meeting is over. We should go." Yoriichi approached the Upper Moons. "You had a brother? How come we never knew there was another Upper Moon One?" Akaza spoke. Kokushibo did not bother to answer the question as he and Yoriichi both teleported away. Douma continued to talk to Akaza until Akaza reached his limit. He decided to leave. Douma was distracted while Gyokko quickly ran and told Nakime to teleport him and Hantengu to their destination. Annnd they dissapeared.

"It seems they managed to kill an Upper Moon Yoriichi. Let take this as a warning now alright?" Kokushibo talking to Yoriichi. "Understood.. let wait until it night time again and continue to hunt.. I'm tired of sleeping or waddling around when it day time. Let's train aniue, what do you say?" Yoriichi suggested. "Good idea.. let improve our breathing once more." Kokushibo agreed and the twins decided to go teleport to the huge area where they can easily train.

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