Chapter 8: Kaigaku

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A few days have passed and Kokushibo went to attack a village on his own. a bunch of slayers passed by and got alerted when they realized a demon was close by. And that demon was Kokushibo. The slayers went to fight Kokushibo, yet effortessly. They got beheaded very easily.

"Oh god.. Upper Moon One!" The slayer yelled in panic before getting beheaded. Many slayers tried to flee as they knew they stood no chance. And some.. would even sacrifice themselves to protect their friends.. in the end they all been killed off. Except one.

The last slayer who is in a state of panic just instead of running away or fighting back. He knelt down. Kokushibo was suprised for the slayer's action and had a second thought. Kokushibo approached the slayer while staring at him at the same time. The slayer slowly looked up and met with the Upper Moon One's expression of "one wrong move, instant death".

Kokushibo was fascinated and thought this slayer seems to have potential. He decided to offer him blood. "I will offer you this man's blood.. to become a strong demon.. only if.. that man accept you." Kokushibo continued to fill the slayer's cupped hand with blood. "It took me 3 days to fully become a demon. I must give more blood.." Kokushibo then stopped.

"You are not allowed to spill a single drop. For if you do... You're hand and body will have a sorrowful departing." The slayer was horrified from what Kokushibo said and quickly drank the blood.

2 days have passed and the slayer started acting incredebly strange. The slayer started gasping as he felt his body is deforming. He realized he was being watched as he quickly turns around. It was Kokushibo who went to check on the slayer. The slayer fully becomes a demon and now has marks on his face.  The slayer started holding huge admiration on Kokushibo and followed him. "I feel a lot stronger than before. Thank you." The slayer started holding admiration on Kokushibo. "I'm Kaigaku." the slayer finally revealed his name. "Kokushibo. You, a thunder breather must have a great potential. It thunder breathing after all.. the fastest." Kokushibo commented.

"You're using a sword.. are you a breath user?" Kaigaku was curious. Kokushibo answered a lot of questions. He is a moon breather and hold the strongest position that never been replaced for centuries. Kaigaku got really fond of Kokushibo and asked him to teach him. "Hmm.. I don't mind you becoming my student.. come." Kokushibo took Kaigaku to the infinity castle.

"My breathing is just infused with my blood demon art. If you ate enough humans in order to be able to use a spell. You can infuse it to your breathing to enhance it." Kokushibo instructed Kaigaku and started training him.

The speed test, the reaction test and a quick duel. Kaigaku wasn't victorious but he is determined to be as strong as Kokushibo. Kaigaku sees Kokushibo a much better teacher than his previous former thunder pillar teacher. He tried to please him no matter what to become his successor but it been shattered by the boy he hated the most. "Share succession!" hearing this makes Kaigaku angry. But with Kokushibo, he feels better. Kokushibo always praises Kaigaku's improvement. Which is something he doesn't get a lot from his previous teacher who always focuses on the boy he hated the most.

"Who is this little one brother?" Yoriichi appeared out of no where. "My new student. I'm sure you recognize thunder breathing." Kokushibo answered. "Thunder breathing huh? a breathing style that mimics lightning.. it wonderful to have a 3rd demon capable at using breath and it a thunder breather! show me all you can do little one." Yoriichi wanted to see thunder breathing.

Kaigaku performed his five forms of thunder breathing. however, he was unable to use the first form. "I could not master the first form.." Kaigaku felt irritated. "I think those five forms are enough. They sure are strong. keep eating, training and eating and training until you feel unstoppable." Yoriichi encouraged Kaigaku. or.. is he even toying with him?

A few hours have passed until Kaigaku left to devour some humans.

"Michikatsu let go sit somewhere else. I have a lot of things to tell you what happened! I continue to foil more Ubuyashiki's plan. Isn't it wonderful?" Yoriichi chuckled. "What did you do this time?" Kokushibo questioned.


"Oh come on. and you didn't tell me to tag along?" Kokushibo got angry a bit. "Sorry. I get too carried away brother." Yoriichi smiled.

Yoriichi then laid on Kokushibo's lap to sleep again. There is nothing they can do when there is day time. So all they can do now is wait. Kokushibo brushes Yoriichi's hair. "I remember you always get angry when my hair is tangled." Yoriichi spoke. "Shut up." Kokushibo replied.

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