Chapter 1

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~The Adventure Kids's 'Unofficial' Theme Song~

"I love adventure! Nothing's better to me, than a journey down to the-"

"NO! NO! Not the stupid theme song!" Some random guy interrupted. "We've waited 23 freakin years for this and I'm not about to wait another bloody mintue longer! NOW GET ON WITH THE BLASTED STORY!"

We skip the theme song, immediately cutting to the adventure kids hanging out together planning their next adventure. 

The random guy groaned. "Still not far enough!" 

We then fast forward again for a bit before coming to a stop, showing the Akids appearing to be hiking in the woods somewhere just outside of Yorkshire. 

"That's better" The random guy said, satisfied before we cut straight into the story now. 

Ann took in a deep breath of the fresh woodsy air. "Boy, do I love being out in nature!"

"Yeah," Brock nodded in argeement with his twin sister. "All the cute and cuddly animals we get to see"

"Except the mosquitoes" Cynthia groaned, waving her hands around her face. "Screw these blood sucking monsters!"

"I need at least one sentence to say every few paragraphs..." David said into the 4th wall. "...That was it"

Teeders came up to Kali's side asking. "So, Ginger and Rocky don't mind us coming along with you on this visit?"

The adventure kids's leader turned back smiling, as it was revealed they were on their way to visit her old pals, the chickens Ginger and Rocky. 

"No, not at all" She assured. "Besides, you guys haven't seen the island yet"

"It's just, I don't get why we're visiting them now?" Cynthia looked a tad annoyed, wishing she was anywhere else right now. 

"Because, I got a message from them a few weeks ago saying they had something special to show me and I wanted to bring you guys along" Kali explained. 

"Oooh, what is it?" The twins eagerly asked their big sister. 

The adventure girl smiply smiled. "Can't tell. It's a surprise"

"Mmmm" The twins groaned, but were willing to be patient and wait till they got to the island.

The Akids soon came up to a clearing while Kali carefully looked around to make sure they weren't being followed. The Akids then came out of the trees, seeing far out in the distance a beautiful little island surrounded by water. That's where the chickens lived. 

"Whoa..." The Akids looked in awe while Kali smiled proudly. 

"So, now what?" David asked, wondering how exactly they were going to get across and to the island. 

Kali began taking off her shoes and smirked back at her friends. "...Swim"

"Excuse me?" Cynthia suddenly gave a death glare towards the lead adventure girl, clearly showing to be wearing a very expensive blouse. 

"I'm kidding! Kidding!" Kali hid a laugh, putting her shoes back on before leading the gang somewhere else. 

"Geez, can't you ever take a joke Cynth?" Brock asked the fashionista. 

Kali then removed some shrubs, revealing a raft big enough for all of them in which the adventure girl had built the last time she visited the island. The Akids used that raft to get across the water before arriving on the island. 

"Hey, everyone, look who's back!" A random hen called out after spotting the humans. 

Soon a flood of chickens scurried down to the shore to greet the Akids, all with happy faces. The kids greeted everyone while carefully making their way through the crowd. Kali looked around, seeing there were a lot more houses that have been built since the last time she was here. But she was trying to find the one particular house of her favorite chickens. 

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