Chapter 4

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"Fun-Land Farms?" The Akids questioned, after Kali and the chickens told them what happened once they got back. 

"Sounds like the chicken version of Disneyland" Ann commented. 

"Trust me, it's anything but the happiest place on earth for chickens" Kali told her sister.

The Akids then turned, seeing Ginger and the others discussing with Nick and Fetcher about the situation. The rats however weren't at all on board with helping. 

"No way" Nick shook his head. "That place is impenetrable"

"Yeah, and you can't get in neither" Fetcher added. 

Ginger looked at Bunty who gave an eye roll as the hens refused to believe that. 

"It's an impossible mission" Nick told them. 

"Uh, shouldn't it be the other way around?" Fetcher asked. 

Nick sighed at his slow-witted brother. "Don't be a 'nana, Fetch"

"Look, I know it looks like a million-to-one shot" Ginger said. "But we know the layout"

"That's right, we got an entire view of their whole security system" Kali explained. 

"And Mac thinks there's a way in" Ricky added. 

Everyone turned to the brainy Scottish hen to see that she had made a model of the lab. 

"This is Fun Land Farms" Mac presented. 

"Oh!" Babs came over to have a look. "It's smaller than I expected"

"Uh, thanks, Babs" Mac said before explaining to the gang. "There's a wee side door in a blind spot. With a cheeky wee trick to open it"

"An eye scanner?" David and the other Akids realized. That was going to be tricky. 

"So, only the small matter of this electric fence" Nick began, coming over while this crunching sound was heard. 

"All these guards" Fetcher pointed out, as the crunching sound grew louder. 

"The camera-driven gun-toting moles" Nick continued, while the crunching sound grew even louder this time. 

"Nobby, will you stop that!" Teeders said, revealing the crunching sound to be coming from Nobby eating a bag of chips. 

"I eat when I'm stressed! You know this!" The British rooster yelled, continuing to munch only quieter this time. 

Ricky smirked, whispering to his sister. "He also eats when he's depressed, angry, or bored"

"And the laser-guided exploding ducks!" Fetcher concluded. 

"Jeez, what are they hiding in there anyway? It's not like this is Area 51" Brock said sarcastically. 

"They could be the new Fort Knox" Cynthia joked. 

"Please. You've got to help us" Etta begged the rats. 

"Rocky's in there" Kali said. 

"Ah, shame" Fetcher replied. "I quite liked him"

"And so is Molly" Ginger added, showing to be in desperate worry for her daughter. 

Fetcher then suddenly looked worried as he began to hyperventilate. "Molly? Our little niece?"

"Steady, mate" Nick told his brother. "Stay strong"

The rats fell silent for a few moments before they both bursted out sobbing. 

"So, you're in?" Teeders asked them. 

"Just tell us what you need" Nick spluttered before Fetcher blew his nose, saying. "Anything for our little Molly"

The Akids and chickens all smiled as they now had a full rescue team on board. 

Ginger turned to her flock and the Akids. "We can do this, everyone"

"Bunty, with your strength, my love, we can move mountains" Ginger looked to the buff red hen who smiled. 

"Mac, you're the brains" Kali then pointed to the Scottish hen with glasses who gave a thumbs up. 

Ginger then turned to Babs. "Babs, you're our... wool specialist"

"Ricky, Etta, you're our lookouts" Kali told Ginger's two oldest children who saluted to her. 

"Nick and Fetch, you're the sneakiest little toerags this side of the Dales" Ginger told the rats. 

"Oh," Nick sniffled. "You're too kind"

"Flatterer" Fetcher added. 

Ginger then turned to Kali. "Kali, with you and the adventure kids we'll be able to get through anything. Cause you guys have the secret weapon"

The adventure girl smiled, knowing what Ginger was talking about as she looked down at her crystal. 

"What about me?" Nobby asked. "What do I do?"

Everyone turned to Nobby as they had almost forgotten about him. 

"Oh, right. Nobby, you're um, uh..." Ginger was having trouble trying to think of a role for her little brother. 

Now normally in the past, Nobby would always go in as the cannon fodder. And honestly that was the only position left on the team, but the gang didn't want Nobby to know that. 

"Nobby, your the key!" Brock quickly exclaimed. 

"Yeah, you're the key to this whole mission!" David added, seeing where Brock was going with this. 

"I'm the key? What does that mean?" Nobby didn't seem to understand. 

"Oh, it's only the most important role of all" Ann said which made the British rooster smile, seeming very satisfied by that. 

"If he only knew" Cynthia scoffed, whispering to the others. They hoped to keep it that way. 

"And Fowler," Ginger spoke once again. "With your wisdom and vigilance... Fowler?" 

Everyone looked over to see that the old rooster had fallen asleep before Babs poked him with her knitting neddle, waking him up instantly. 

"Ooh!" Fowler spluttered, getting up. "And then the second wave of bombers approach the target, and that's where I come in" 

"Actually, Fowler" Ginger approached the old rooster who she had always viewed as a father. "We need to find something special for you"

"Right" Teeders said, knowing the rooster wasn't as young as he used to be. He honestly wouldn't be much help to them if he was put in the line of fire. 

"How about... Get away man?" Ann suggested. 

"That's a great idea!" Kali agreed with her sister. 

"Get away man, eh?" Fowler said. "Hmm. Sounds important. I like it"

Everyone smiled as they all had now been given their roles to the team. 

"Right. Let's gather what we need and hurry" Ginger told the gang. "Who knows what horrors Molly is dealing with in there"

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