Chapter 9

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"Are we ready to fry, Fry?" Mrs. Tweedy asked over the radio.

Fry was shown to be in the lab, preparing to get all the chickens ready when he answered the radio. "Yes, my beloved? Say those words I am longing to hear"

"GET ON WITH IT, YOU IDIOT!" Tweedy yelled on the other end. 

Dr. Fry went to grab the remote control, setting the dial to 'All Chickens'. He was about to press the button when the other remote was thrown at him, hitting the back of the head. He turned around to see who threw the remote and gasped, finding Ginger, Rocky, and Kali in front of him. 

"It's the funky chicken and the ginger one too! And that meddling girl!"

Kali and the chicken couple all smiled, waving at the scientist. 

"Oh no, my wife will not be happy with this" Fry glared, setting the remote down before he went to grab them. "Come here now, you naughty little chickens!" 

But Ginger and Rocky were quick, taking out a tape measure and used it to trip Fry as he landed in a rolling chair. Kali then pushed the rolling chair to the door, sending the scientist down the staircase. 

"Have a nice trip!" The adventure girl called out. 

Fry screamed as he went rolling all the way down the stairs before crashing into this egg decor, making one of the eggs land on his head that he couldn't see. 

"See you on the flip side, egghead!" Rocky told Fry then laughed, looking to Ginger and Kali. "You get it?" 

Just then...

"Dry. Fry? What's going on up there?" Mrs. Tweedy's voice asked on the other end of the radio. 

"Quick. Come on" Ginger told Rocky and Kali. 

Tweedy kept calling Fry's name on the radio until she appeared out of the elevator. 

"DR. FRY!" She yelled. "Where are my nuggets?! Honestly, that man is about as much use as a headless..." 

Melisha stopped, seeing Fry struggling to get the giant egg off his head. But more improtantly, she spotted Ginger, Kali, and Rocky at the top of the staircase who all gasped upon seeing her. 

"Chicken!" She glared. 

The trio yelped as Mrs. Tweedy started chasing after them. Tweedy grabbed a hold of Kali before the adventure girl used her crystal's magic to shrink down to chicken size, causing Tweedy to stumble forward as they took her by surprise. 

Rocky managed to grab the remote, only it was the wrong one. Instead he pressed the button to the coffee maker. Mrs. Tweedy had the real remote. 

The evil woman laughed wickedly as she looked to Ginger and Kali. "Looks like you've run out of cluck, little chickens... Let's make some nuggets"

"Oh, no" Ginger and Kali both frowned. 

Meanwhile, all the chickens in the play room started acting funny after Tweedy hit the button and some happy music came on. Molly's group had been hiding in some fake hedges and saw the escalator open up leading to the painted sun. 

"Oh, no" Etta frowned, as the gang realized they were too late. 

"This is not good, guys" Ann said. 

Molly frowned, looking around desperately for her friend. "Oh, Frizzle. Where are you?" 

Just then, the gang saw this one young fuchsia colored hen walk out from the crowd, heading towards the escalator. 

"Ooh! My turn. Bye-bye" She said. 

"Frizzle!" Molly gasped, as that chicken was revealed to be her friend. 

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