Chapter 5

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The chickens were shown gearing up for the mission, taking as many human items necessary to aid them. The Akids were getting ready too. Cynthia even made camouflage head bands and makeup for everyone to wear. 

The kids were just finishing putting their makeup on and picked out their weapons of choice. 

"Um, Brock?" The other Akids paused for a moment, seeing his weapon of choice. A shotgun. 

"What, too much?" Brock asked them. 

"Yeah" They nodded. 

I mean after all, this is a kids book.... Then again, adults are the ones who are really reading this. 

The gun then disappeared from Brock's arms and was replaced with a baseball bat. It looked like the gang was now ready to go. The gang soon arrived on the mainland and were walking slowly together on the road. 

"Why are we walking so slow?" Ann whispered to the others. 

"It's for dramatic effect" Teeders told her while they continued walking slowly. 

They all looked so cool and bad-ass with their weapons and David was even wearing those cool shades like those men in black wear. They soon stopped as they came upon site of Fun Land Farms. 

"Okay, everyone. It's go time" Ginger declared. 

Babs turned to her, smiling. "It's all right. I went before we left"

Ginger then gulped, showing to be a little nervous. Kali looked to Ginger, placing a hand on her shoulder, understanding her fears. For she too, along with the rest of the gang were nervous. And they had a right to be, for they didn't truly know what awaited them inside that place. 

The gang got as close as they could to the lab, before hiding away in the trees nearby for a quick group huddle. 

"Okay everyone, here's the plan" Kali began. "Half us will sneak in through the front while the other half come in from above. We get in there and take back the family that is rightfully ours. We might not all make it..."

"Why are you looking at me?" Nobby said, growing tense all of a sudden. 

Kali continued. "But those of us that do will always remember the fallen"

"Yeah, cause we're freedom fighters!" Ann declared. 

"I think I'm gonna throw up" Brock said. 

"That's my little warrior!" Ann gave her twin brother a pat on the back. 

"Enough with the heroic speeches, let's go kick some butt" Cynthia said, showing to be ready for action. 

We were soon shown the front of the lab with a man in a suit guarding the front gate. He was doing a good job too, until he spotted the most unusual thing coming his way... A birthday cake! On a tiny table with wheels that rolled right up to him. 

The guard careful examined the cake, looking for anything suspicious. He didn't find anything. But what he did find was that the cake did actually look quite delicious as he took a small cake. He picked it up and blew out the candle when suddenly, the top of the cake went splat in his face as it was revealed Ginger had been hiding inside the cake the whole time. 

She jumped out, handcuffing the guard's hand to the table before taking the cloth off revealing it to actually be a pair of fireworks. 

"Huh?" The guard gave a confused look at the hen. 

Ginger smirked as she lit a match to the fireworks which suddenly sent the guard speeding off into the woods where the others were at before hitting a tree which knocked him out cold. Bunty quickly cut the handcuffs with bolt cutters, sending the fireworks exploding into the sky which was actually the perfect distraction for the guard watching the security cameras inside. 

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