Chapter 1

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Vanora felt weak as she laid on the ground, a piercing migraine in the back of her eye throbbing to her rapid heartbeat. As she stood up to orient herself, she had a hard time adjusting her eyes to the sunlight above her. The ocean was calming, and she closed her eyes to listen closer to the shushing of the waves, and smell the salt in the air. Regaining her strength, she opened her eyes once more. The land was unfamiliar, rocky shores and lush grasses weren't anything she was used to. Where was she?

As she looked around, she noticed a large crash site very close by. She stood up, breathlessly looking over the ship.

"You seem far from home." She heard behind her. She flung herself around, flashing a dagger at a man, a threat. She glared at him, not saying a word.

He chuckled. "No need for that, you can put that away." He stepped closer cautiously.

She felt herself shaking, taking another step back as she watched him through piercing, unwavering eyes.

Fear. He could practically smell it all over her. Her demonic eyes never wandered from his face, but she never looked him in the eyes. Her legs, though very steady and ready to strike, shook mercilessly underneath her. He'd never met a tiefling so afraid before. He stepped back, holding his hands up carefully. "I saw you, on the ship." He watched the anger in her face soften. "You were in a pod, three away from the one I was in."

She lowered her weapon just a little, contemplating his words carefully. It made sense, she remembers the ship. It's a fleeting memory in her mind, but it was clear she'd been there.

He took a small, cautious step forward. "I'm just as confused as you are. We could help each other." He said, lowering his hands. He watched the unease split her once determined face. "I won't hurt you. You have my word."

She looked at the sand under her feet for a moment. He was most likely her best option right now. Slowly, she put away her dagger. She nodded. He smiled, turning to face the crash site.

Vanora watched him for a moment, then turned to look out at the sea. The sunlight felt warm on her pale skin. She sat on the cliff, taking everything in very, very slowly.

The man turned back once more, caught off guard that he hadn't heard her wander over to the cliff. She looked so relaxed at that moment, taking everything in. "You're quiet, for a tiefling." He said as he sat on the cliff too, a good distance away where he won't accidentally brush against her. She flinched at his voice for a moment, but the man didn't notice. He looked at her face. She was breathless, almost nostalgic. "What's on your mind, hmm?"

She took a moment. The smallest faded smile rested on her lips. She took a breath, gesturing toward the sun and the sea with a nod.

The action took him off guard. In all of the commotion, he hadn't thought about it. He was standing in the sun. The rays bore into his skin and warmed him, it was comforting. He chuckled a little. "Curious. I was thinking the same."

They sat in silence, the wind brushing their faces as they took in the sunlight for the first time in a long time.

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