Chapter 12

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Astarion wandered forward, not really sure where he was supposed to be going. The sun beat down hard, and he felt himself burning a little. "I think I'm not supposed to be in the sun, I'm starting to burn. Just, slow." He commented.

Gale laughed. "No, you're okay. That's normal for us too. Look." He pulled his sleeve to show his own sunburn.

Astarion looked over. "Oh, alright. I thought it was just a vampire thing."

"Over there, that's the meadows." Wyll called out. "If she was being dragged, like you said? The grass will be pushed down."

Astarion perked up, looking over the grasses to find a parting. "I don't see anything." He said.

"We'll find it, eventually. We just pick a direction to follow the grass." He said, pointing to his left. "This way will cover a lot more ground. Most likely it'll be this way."

Astarion nodded. "I hope she's alright." He looked down at the horn in his hand. There is a lot of blood just on this one part. How much would she have bled? Could she already be gone?

He clenched the horn tight, a strong look on his face. "Let's go." He said, walking toward the left of them. He hoped it was this way.

As the day turned to evening, the edge of the meadows got closer and closer. They still hadn't found the path. Astarion growled, frustration pooling inside of him. His heart pounded harder the more they walked. "You said it was this way."

Wyll looked at him, saddened. "I said it was likely this way. We didn't actually know. Plus, we're not even all the way across-"

"What's that?" Gale commented, pointing toward the hills beside them. Whatever it was, it was hard to see. It seemed to struggle to move, taking staggering steps.

Astarion looked over, immediately recognizing her. "Vanora." He said, walking a little faster. As he kept going he couldn't help but run, leaving behind his party. He topped the hill across from the one she was on, and he could clearly see the waves that the sled had made.

He could see her shirt had blood on it, which didn't surprise him much. Her horn, clearly broken off at the distance. The sunset behind her made everything harder to see, but he could see it was her. His lungs caught into his throat, watching the girl brokenly walk along the path back.

"Vanora!" He called across the valley.

Her body felt weak, and she was struggling to breathe. The sun was too hot, radiating down onto the blood that dried and baked the top of her head, her shirt heavy and her face feeling crusted. She walked all day, nothing but the clothes on her back. As she topped the hill, she looked over to the sunset, thankful that it was cooling off, but ashamed to say she wished it wasn't bright. She wished, at that moment, she was running in the dark. She might not stand a chance even then.

Suddenly she heard him. She looked to her left, seeing the man standing on another hill across from her. He was okay, standing in stride in front of her, yet so far away. She smiled, thanking the gods that she found him. That he came to find her. "Astarion," she whispered to herself, feeling herself sway toward the side.

Astarion felt pride in his chest, that radiant one that had become so addictive in the past week. He smiled, watching her look over. He could see the relief wash over her shoulders when they slumped down, relief washing over himself.

He started jogging over, wanting nothing more to see that she was okay. He wanted to stand face to face with her and hear her say something. As he got closer, he started to see her stumble. His eyes dilated as he watched her fall over, hitting the ground hard. "No!"

He sprinted up the hill, finding her laid on the ground. He stopped dead in his tracks, looking over the girl in front of him.

Blood laid caked into her hair, all across the left side of her face and coating her shirt. I wasn't as much as he thought, it was more. She was still bleeding from her horn. Her lips were cracked and dry, she was horribly dehydrated. There was a slash on her neck right where that bastard had held his sword.

Astarion choked on the air around him as he fell to his knees, her horn falling from his hand and landing beside him. He held her head gently, trying his best not to jostle her as he laid her across his knees. "Hey, wake up." He told her. "It's not funny, it's not-" his throat caught his voice short. He could help but hold back a sob. "Wake up."

Tears brimmed his eyes as he struggled not to cry. "Vanora, darling." He said. His voice was raspy as the tears fell, falling across his face slowly. He couldn't remember the last time he cried. "Wake up!" He shouted, shaking her shoulders a little in desperation.

He looked around for a moment, before he bit his shirt sleeve, tearing it at the top of his shoulder. As he pulled the sleeve off his arm, Wyll and Gale finally caught up.

"Shit..." Gale said. It was the only thing on his mind, he struggled to form words. They watched as he wrapped the sleeve around her horn. They couldn't say anything, struggling from the state she was in.

"Water." Astarion paused for a moment. "She's dehydrated, she needs water! She-" he stopped himself as they both started searching through their bags. "Blood."

"Blood?" Wyll asked, curiosity filling him.

"Unfortunately, we forgot to pack a bottle." Gale said, his words tense in panic. He could only joke in the stress.

Astarion looked around for a moment. "My blood will make her sick..." he said, looking up at them. "Please. She'll only need a little, I swear. Then we can give her water. She's too far for just water."

Wyll sighed, looking over at the bloodied girl. "Fine." He walked over, kneeling down next to them. He bared his wrist toward the elf. "Make the cut quick," he informed.

The elf didn't hesitate to take out his dagger, dragging it along the man's arm before shoving it toward the girl. His arm pressed onto her mouth, pooling blood around her lips.

She moved slightly, drinking as she lay unconscious. Her lips started to fill out more, the dead, crusted skin now looking much better in comparison. It wasn't enough, but it should be enough to get her back to Halsin.

Astarion picked the girl up as Wyll pressed another cloth to his arm. "This is a gift, I won't forget it." He said, walking back toward where they left Halsin. He was their only hope now.

Wyll nodded, picking up the horn and walking behind the pale elf. "Not emotionally invested..." he whispered, just thankful that they had gotten here at all. He shoved the horn in his pack for safe keeping. 

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