Chapter 11

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Astarion shot awake, his breathing heavy as he looked at his surroundings. "Vanora?" He called out, hoping for an answer.

"You're awake." Wyll said to him, walking behind the moving wagon. "Glad you're up. The spell worked, and the parasite won't even move anymore."

Astarion sighed. That wasn't the answer he was wanting. "So, no more sun?"

"I mean, you can test it if you want?" Wyll asked, letting the wagon pull more in front of him to give as little space. "Can't imagine you would want to though."

If Astarion wanted to save her, he had to know. He wanted to head out as soon as possible. On the other hand, it was really hot today. The sun could render anything that touched the light useless within seconds. Astarion swallowed the lump in his throat, taking his left hand and slowly pushing it back away from the tarp. He'd closed his eyes, bracing for a burning sensation. Nothing happened.

He opened his eyes again, looking at his hand. There was no pain, no red hot burning. He was fine. He quickly got up, jumping out of the wagon. He couldn't believe it.

Astarion looked up, Wincing as the sun burned his eyes. It was there, with no cloud coverage in sight. He smiled, astonishment pooling into his mind. "I can't believe this." He said, taking in the sunlight more.

Wyll chuckled. "I guess some things those parasites do are permanent." He told the elf.

Astarion's celebration didn't last long, his mind quickly overthrown by one thought. "Vanora." He whispered, looking over at Wyll. "We have to go get her."

"Now, hold on. We don't even know where she's going." Wyll said. "We have to-"

"I know." Astarion said, cutting the man off. He explained everything about Cazador, who he is and what he does. He explained the ring, binding her soul to him. Himself and other vampires. He even described what happened when she was taken.

Wyll nodded as Gale walked over. "So, these other vampires can't be in the sun? It's likely she's not even at Baldur's Gate yet. He can't travel right now. In a little while there isn't any tree coverage. It's all meadows."

Astarion's eyes glimmered. There was hope. "Right, I didn't even think about it..."

Wyll crossed his arms. "You're very emotionally driven."

"I beg your pardon. I am not." Astarion felt offended by his words.

Wyll shrugged. "Maybe not for most things you aren't. This one..." he let the silence take over.

Astarion thought for a moment. He was kind of invested in trying to catch up, but attached? No, he wasn't. He doesn't get attached to anything.

"Nope." He said confidently. "Now let's get going, we're burning daylight." He quickly grabbed the horn that sat in the back of the wagon, taking off ahead of the caravan.

Gale chuckled. "This girl must be something." He said, watching as the vampire trudges along ahead of the fleet they followed, right in the sun. "Most wouldn't even take the chance."

Wyll chuckled. "They have a complicated relationship I think." He shook his head, looking over at Gale. "Got everything?"

"Here you are, your sack is packed." He said, handing him a sack full of supplies they'll need. Wyll took it from his hands, and sheathed his sword. "Good thing you had me pack everything early." Gale commented.

Wyll chuckled. "Let's head off."

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