Chapter 6

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Astarion felt compelled to ask her, but he didn't know if it was too far. He sighed, looking over at the girl beside him. They still sat in the cart, as the noon turned to evening. They hadn't spoken much, so it was a surprise to her when he finally did. "How long?"

A flood of confusion was written across her face as she looked up at him. She didn't know what he meant.

He cleared his throat, lowering his voice so nobody would hear them. "How long have you been a vampire?"

Her confused face changed to amusement. "I'm not a vampire? You must be one though. That makes sense."

Astarion blinked for a moment. Not a vampire? Then what was she? "So, if you are not a vampire then...?"

She looked down at her knees for a moment. "I'm a siren."

Astarion felt almost disappointed. "Sirens drink blood?"

She shook her head. "I was born out of wedlock. An affair between my father, who was a tiefling, and my mother, who was an immortal siren. Immortals drink blood..."

"I was outcasted by both my mother and father, because I wasn't supposed to exist. I'm the only one... My mother sold me, forced my soul to be tied to a ring. Anyone who wore the ring could control me. I guess I was expensive. My captor will surely be angry when he finds me."

So, she's never lived on her own before. Astarion almost felt guilty for being so annoyed before. "So, don't you need water to survive?" Astarion asked.

She shook her head again. "I should, but I can keep from desiccation by drinking blood, which is why I get hungry for it. I've never swam before, I'm not sure I even can."

Astarion had to hold his laughter. "A siren that doesn't swim?"

She chuckled a little, a painful look on her face. Astarion felt guilty for a moment, before she spoke. "I've been a pet all of my life. I was sold very young. Locked in a cage for the majority of the time."

Astarion didn't say anything. He wanted to listen to everything she had to say right now. He might not get another chance. Not only that, but he didn't know what he would say in the first place.

Vanora chuckled slowly, humor fleeting away from the conversation. "He would have me sing for him. If I didn't, he carved things into my back. Hopefully you didn't see them... I can't imagine it looks too pretty."

"Eventually I was granted time outside. Very rarely to wander. I'd have the evening, after the sunset. If I was out too long, he'd come to get me. It didn't matter if I was hurt, dying. He'd punish me for being late anyway."

"I was starved, abandoned, used. I'm sure he could only see people as his playthings. He used to have a lot of people coming in and out of the basement where I stayed... it was always cold."

Astarion felt a deep connection to her story. Having a similar one himself, it was hard not to feel for her. The way she described her own captor reminded him of Cazador. He shook away his thoughts. "I... I'm not sure what to say."

Vanora shrugged. "It's okay, you get used to it after a while. Sneaking around, looking over your shoulder. Memorizing the sound of the footsteps that are dangerous, and the ones you don't know yet. It becomes a mundane habit after a while. Don't even notice it most days."

Astarion felt her words dig a little into himself. He decided to give her an out, not completely changing the subject. "So you're a siren. You wouldn't mind singing for me sometime?" He chuckled, hoping the question wouldn't hurt her.

She laughed, thankful he changed the subject. "Maybe, in a less crowded area. I tend to draw people in."

Astarion laughed a little. "We'll keep going once they stop for a while. I'm sure they don't need more mouths to feed."

Just as he said that, Wyll walked up to the moving wagon. "I'm sure you both are well rested, but we're going to stop here for a while."

"Alright, we're going to keep going." Astarion said, hopping off the wagon. He held his hand out for the girl. "We appreciate the rest, but we have to keep moving."

Wyll looked at them with a questioning expression. "Are you sure? We have enough supplies... Madam?"

"We're fine." Vanora was short, showing finality in her words. She gave him a quick and fake smile, taking Astarion's hand and jumping off the wagon, which had now stopped moving.

"Alright, just be careful." Wyll said, before he walked back to another wagon.

Astarion smiled at the girl, that pride filling his lungs and radiated through his mind and body. "Shall we?"

She nodded, following close behind as they set off farther down the path. The night air was cool, blowing just enough to have a brisk chill but not enough to be cold. The path was dark, but they both saw on clearly enough.

They traveled a few more hours, before they decided to set up camp. They knew they weren't close to Baldur's Gate, but any time gained made it closer and closer.

Astarion set a fire while Vanora put out their bedrolls. They both worked in a comfortable silence as the night grew colder. The trees around them hushed the area. The occasional owl could be heard in the distance, the smell of wood and earth surrounding their senses. Everything was calm. 

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