Chapter 10

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When Vanora woke up, she found herself tied to a tree. The aching pounding into her skull shot through her left horn. She winced, trying to look up to figure out what was wrong with it. She couldn't see them. The ropes around her were tight, and the cloth in her mouth made her want to gag.

Her captor laid by a campfire under a tent, the white horse she was previously being dragged by calmly eating the grass beside her. Her arms were pressed harshly down her sides, and she softly struggled to try and get something from her hidden pocket.

She watched the man closely as she struggled. He was asleep, she hoped. When she finally slipped her hand into the pocket, her fingers graced the edge. A sharp sting shot from her fingers. Perfect.

She quickly adjusted the dagger to her hand, slicing the blade back and forth across the ropes. They popped one after the other, bottom toward the top, very slowly. Slower than she wanted.

The sun was up, so hopefully he wouldn't be able to chase her if things went bad. As the rope kept snapping, her adrenaline pumped more and more into her veins. She did her best to remain calm, doing her best not to go too fast and drop the dagger.

Finally, the sixth rope snapped, and the rest of the ropes started falling around her. She quickly pushed the rope aside, standing as quietly as possible. She pulled the cloth from her mouth, the wet pieces gripped in her hands.

Her eyes never left him. She stalked toward the tent so silently she could step on a mouse without it knowing. Her rage grew, her eyes dilated toward the man.

When she got to the opening, she could tell he was sleeping. With a quick action, she jumped into the tent, sinking her teeth deep into his neck.

The man woke suddenly, a cry escaping his lips as he struggled to get away. She quickly stuck the saliva covered cloth into his mouth, holding his face harshly as he thrashed around. She'll bleed him dry.

When he finally stopped moving, she sighed. She kept drinking, the blood warm on her lips as it dripped onto the tent floor. She needed this blood, badly. She couldn't understand why.

Finally, after the blood stopped pouring, she let go. He was definitely dead, the veins in his skin completely showing through his pale skin. She was disappointed that was all she got.

But the blood was powerful, energy wrapping around her body. She smiled, before spitting on the man in absolute disgust. She walked out of the tent again.

The pain in her horn throbbed, and she finally lifted her hand to investigate. She swiped her hand in the air, trying to find it. It wasn't there.

Tears brimmed her eyes as she moved her hand to her hair. A lot of blood, both dry and wet, caked the layers on the top of her head. Her face held blood too, and she quickly did her best to wipe it away. She was sure she just made it worse.

It was still bleeding, and it was well into noon already. She looked around, seeing drops of blood pooled in an area surrounding a sled tied to a saddle.

There was grass parted across the plains, showing something had been dragged through. That's where she needed to go, Astarion was that way. She had to make sure he was okay.

She quickly started shuffling through the tall grasses, following the path she had been dragged on previously. The sun beat down on her blood soaked hair and shirt, making everything even hotter than it already was. She had no food, no water. There wasn't a creature in sight, and the river was long gone. It was practically a wasteland out here.

She sighed, trudging forward as much as she could. She had to get back before she became too dehydrated. She had to find him.

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