Chapter 17

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When Vanora woke up again, she found that Astarion was gone. The sun beat down on the tarp above her, making the air thick inside the wagon.

She groaned, lifting herself up slowly. A bottle of water was laid carefully where Astarion once laid. He might've left it there for her, she wondered.

She lifted the bottle to her lips, using her other hand to pull off the bandage wrapped around what was once her horn. The cool liquid was exactly what she needed, feeling fresh against her dry throat. She drank the bottle dry, doing her best to savor every drop, but she still wanted more.

She carefully crawled to the back of the wagon, taking caution to steady feet on the ground as the wagon rolled away from her. She sighed, wondering where Astarion could be. She looked around for a moment.

She found him, walking along with Wyll and another man she hasn't met yet. As she watched him walk backwards, he whisked his hands in the air dramatically, holding a bottle of what looked like wine. She sighed and shook her head for a moment before walking toward the trio, taking slow, steady steps as she went.

When she caught up, all three were laughing. She watched the man she didn't know throw an arm around Wyll, all of them laughing as Astarion started to pass the bottle over to one of the two.

Vanora quickly plucked the bottle from his hand, smiling as she took a drink.

"Hey, you can't be out here!" Astarion said in a mix of worry and frustration. "The clouds are gonna go away." He whispered, clearly drunk.

She furrowed her eyes, pulling the bottle away from her lips. "Uh... so?"

"So, you're gonna burn!" He said, quickly taking a step to hold her shoulders and walk her back to the cart. "It's not safe, you gotta stay safe. If you're not safe it's gonna kill me."

Vanora giggled at his antics, taking his hands off her shoulders to stand her ground. "Uhm, I'm not going to burn?" She asked him hesitantly.

"But you drank vampire blood." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He plucked the bottle from her hand quickly. "I think you're drunk.

She chuckled at him, as the clouds passed and the sun started to beat down on them. Astarion looked up in worry before looking back at the girl, expecting something to happen.

For a moment, Vanora stayed still. But when Astarion just kept watching, she gave off a mischievous smile.

"Oh!" She cried out, her voice thick with dramatics. "Oh, what a world! I think I'm melting!" She fell on her knees lifting her hands up to the sky, her fingers spread out wide to grip the blue skies above her. "How could this life-giving light be so cruel, oh!" She fell to the ground, rocking left to right on her back, then thrusted her chest to the air, holding a hand up high. "This will surely be my demise. Gods, save me. Bleh," she fell to the ground, sticking her tongue out for more dramatics.

Wyll and the other man were laughing hard, throwing their heads down and walking in circles to try and catch their breath. Astarion just looked confused. "So you're not a vampire?"

Vanora chuckled. "No dear, I'm not a vampire. Sirens don't turn into vampires. We just die." She said, struggling to sit upright. She huffed in frustration. "Can someone help me up?"

Wyll lifted his head, finally having his breath back after laughing so much. He grabbed her hand, hoisting her up. "Woah," she said, her head spinning from the speed. She leaned on him for support only for a moment. When she steadied herself, she smiled. "Thank you."

Astarion pouted, both from the dramatics and the fact she leaned on Wyll. He felt jealousy twinge in the back of his head. "Still," he sighed, quickly pushing Wyll away from her so he could be closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "You need rest."

"No way, that wagon is like an inferno. I'm fine." She said, taking the wine from his hand once more. "Besides, why can't I drink with you and Wyll and..." she gestured to the man, fishing out a name.

"Gale." He said proudly.

"You and Wyll and Gale?" She took another drink of the bottle.

"I-" Astarion wanted to protest, but he couldn't find anything for a moment. "I just want to be sure you're okay. Also, that little show was offensive." He huffed.

She smiled, speaking in a song song voice. "Sorry dear, I thought I was funny. But I promise I'm okay."

Astarion sighed, frustration disappearing from his face. "Alright, fine. You win."

She smiled, taking another sip of the wine. She's never drank wine without Cazador telling her to before, so she was a little excited.

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