You and Me Makes Three

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"Ooooh..." Julie moaned as she rubbed her belly another contraction hitting her. She was reclining against pillows on the hospital bed. Contractions started three hours ago, and they finally made their way to their birth center. Adam held her hand as he whispered soothing mantras as he began to coach her. 

"You're doing it, Jules...I'm so proud of you, baby..."

"Baby," she groaned, her eyes closed as tears ran down them. She had a low pain tolerance. The midwife offered her an epidural but she hated needles. Her hand ran down her swollen belly, cupping her vagina. "Oooh. My vagina hurts..." 

"I know...Do you want me to call the midwife to come check you?" 

Julie nodded, letting her legs spread wider. Her water hadn't broken yet and her body was on fire. She already stripped out of all her clothes, hospital gown, and undergarments. "I can't do this," she moaned as Adam pressed the call light. 

"You can and you are! He's so close!" 

"He is?" she moaned out, looking into his brown eyes. 


"Hello, my love!" Casey, her midwife throughout the whole pregnancy, greeted. "How are we doing?"

"She says her vagina hurts." 

"Are you feeling pushy or just stingy?"

"Stingy," Julie sighed as the contraction let go of her body. Casey nodded, quickly gloving her hand and and slipping it into Julie's canal. 

"You're bag is bulging, love. That's probably why you're feeling so much pressure. You're at a good six, almost seven. Almost to transition." 

"I wanna lay down," Julie requested, her body tired already. 

"Okay...I suggest you lay on your side. Then you can rest between contractions and it will help open up your hips more." 

"You wanna try it, baby?" Adam asked. 

"Yeah," Julie moaned, scooting her body down to lay on her back and rolling over. Casey patted Adam's shoulder as he grabbed some extra pillows. 

"Call me if her water breaks. She's doing really well." 

"Thanks, Casey," he smiled, returning to his wife. Lifting her massive belly, he slid one pillow under it and one pillow between her legs. She closed her eyes, as Adam dimmed the lights trying to be quiet as she rested. Small snores escaped her mouth as she napped, her body wincing and whining every couple of minutes as contractions rolled. 

An hour later, Jules woke up to a big amount of pressure. "OW!" she sobbed, clutching her belly. "ADAM!" 

"What, babe?!" he asked alarm, his eyes snapping open. 

"OH FUCK! HELP ME!" she sobbed, the pressure continuing. 

"What's wrong?!" 

"Pressure!" she shouted, her leg bending. "GRAB MY LEG! I GOTTA PUSH!" Hitting the call bell ten times, he lifted her leg, watching his wife bear down. "OH! HE'S COMING!" 

"Baby, wait!"

"I CAN'T! FUUUUCK!" Reaching behind her own leg, she pulled it back as she brought her chin to her chest, bearing down harder like she had to poop. "FUUUUCK-AH!" A large gust of water wetted the bedsheets as her waters burst, the pressure vanishing. "My waters..." she panted. 

"Feel better?" he asked, rubbing her back. 

"What's going on?! I heard screaming!" Casey asked, seeing the bed a wet mess, Jamie sobbing in fright. 

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