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Maria gasped awake, trying to get her bearings. She couldn't remember how she got here, but she knew she was in trouble. She remembered a black car following her and when she realized it, she had a bag over her head and a prick in her neck before she fell unconscious. Blinking at the bright light, she realized that she was in a big white lab and a naked girl was slowly coming awake. That's when Maria realized she was also naked, both of them strapped to a hospital bed. 

"Hello?! What's happening?!" the woman asked. "Hey!" 

"Help!" Maria shouted. 

Velia tried to get away, realizing it was futile. Both girls were similar but different. Velia was tall and blonde with traditional Scandinavian features. A bombshell people would call her. Maria was shorter with rich chocolate hair. Petite. Both had no family, nobody to realize that they'd been abducted. 

The door opened, revealing a man with dark hair and dark eyes. He was good-looking if it wasn't for his evil intentions. "Ah! Good! You're both awake!" 

"What do you want?!" Maria sobbed out of fear. 

"Hush now, lovely. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm gonna make you a mommy!" 


"You're both gonna bear me many children. I have excellent sperm. Many have been in your spot. It's an honor to be chosen. You're both not ready yet. But you will be soon. Shall we begin?" 

Maria and Velia were let loose. The man gave them white dresses to wear, with no underwear. He didn't want anything in the way of his goal. They were free to move about the white lab. It was a spacious space with a large bathroom. The man would come in every day to administer hormone shots to both girls, preparing their eggs. They ate a balanced meal rich in folic acids and vitamins. The man performed a variety of tests every day to ensure they were ready for child-rearing. When the time came, Maria and Velia were strapped back on the bed where the man inserted a baster of his own sperm into their wombs, forcing them to lay on their back with their legs wide apart at an upward angle to ensure nothing leaked out. He inserted plugs in both of their vaginas to keep the sperm in. And to his delight, it worked. 

Velia was the first to notice that she was pregnant. She started to vomit after smelling her freshly cooked eggs, running into the bathroom. A couple of days later, Maria had the same symptoms. The man administered both pregnancy tests and performed ultrasounds. The man did have superior sperm because Maria was pregnant with quadruplets while Velia was pregnant with triplets. 

Their pregnancies were monitored. As their bellies swelled, different white dresses would appear. The girls' bellies were so large that they were placed on bedrest. When their due date didn't come, they began to worry. Their babies were on the larger side due to the man's giant size. More days came buy and there was no sign of labor. Finally, when they didn't think they could take it anymore, a month later, they felt the first wave. 

"Oh..." Velia groaned, feeling a vicious cramp take over her womb. "Oh, Maria...Something's happening..." 

"Ow!" Maria gasped, feeling her own vicious cramp that squeezed her belly. Her belly was larger than Velias's. "OW!" 

"Maria, I think we're in labor!" Velia panicked. 

"Okay, it's done," Maria panted. "Oh my god that hurt so much!" 

"Are you okay?" Velia asked, breathing heavily. 

"I'm scared," Maria whimpered. 

"Me too. But we're gonna be okay. We're gonna be mommies!" 

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