The Next Summer We Had A Baby

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Belly blew out a frustrated breath as she folded her body into the next yoga pose. She was three days overdue and extremely tired of being pregnant. This baby was bigger than Beck and seemed to be taking their sweet time of birth. Beck was the sweetest little three-year-old ever. Belly and Conrad wanted more children, but Beck wanted her body to rest after Beck's birth. They weren't actively getting pregnant, but it happened and they were excited. 

Belly decided after their first appointment to have a home birth. Conrad wanted to support Belly in every way decided, but a million scenarios of what could go wrong flew through her head. "We're home!" Conrad announced, closing the door of their home. 

"Mommy!" Beck squealed, rushing over to Belly as she rolled to sit on her yoga mat. 

"Hey, princess!" Belly smiled, opening her arms wide. Beck tossed herself into Belly's arms, hugging her tight. "Did you have a good day at daycare?" 

"Uh-huh! We read books and I painted!" 

"Wow...Let me see!" Belly gasped, seeing the picture that Beck held in her tiny hand. 

"Look, Mommy! There's me, and Daddy in his scrubs, and there's you holding the baby!" 

"Aw...Well, hang it up on the fridge." 

"Hi, baby! I missed you!" Beck said to Belly's giant tummy. "Mommy, they're not kicking!" 

"They're just sleeping, babe," Belly grinned. "Hey, handsome." 

"Hey, beautiful. How are you feeling?" Conrad asked, bending down to kiss Belly. 

"Oh, you know. Extremely pregnant and uncomfortable. I've had some twinges here and there today." 


"Uh-huh," Belly nodded, rubbing her belly. "I ordered pizza for dinner. I didn't feel like cooking." 

"That's fine," Conrad said as Belly moved to her hands and knees to use the couch to stand up. "Bell, let me help you!" 

"I got it," Belly panted, pushing herself up slowly. "I'm up!" 

"Fuck...You're gonna give me a coronary one day," Conrad breathed out as Belly shuffled into the kitchen to grab the money for the pizza. 

After they'd eaten and put Beck to bed, Belly lay there as Conrad brushed his teeth and got his pajama pants on. Belly pressed a hand to her bump, blowing through a minor contraction with her eyes closed. "Contraction?" Conrad asked, sitting on the bed next to her. 

"Yeah..." Belly said, grabbing his hand and laying it on her bump. 

"Jesus, Bell...It's fucking hard." 

"That's what he said," Belly joked. "Can you check me?" 

"Sure," Conrad smiled, moving between her legs. Belly pulled the sheets up and spread her legs. "No panties? Was this your plan?" 

"Well, I thought we could do other activities to entice this baby to come out. You're gonna have to do all the work though." 

"It would be my pleasure, baby." Conrad used the bottle of sanitizer to clean his hands as he inserted his fingers inside his wife's center. "You're dilated to a one, babe." 

"A one?! That's it?!" 

"Yeah..." Conrad sighed, seeing Belly's eyes well up in frustration. "Baby, don't cry." 

"I'm so tired, Conrad...I'm almost five days overdue, and if I go any longer, they'll want to induce me! I've tried fucking everything! Eating spicy foods, sex, pineapple juice, yoga, and even that nasty Chinese labor tea that my grandmother swears by! And nothing!" 

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